Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Prison Wives Club, Episode 2

Episode 2: Aren't you scared? 

How did you all like last week's episode? From my last post, a few people have told me that they started watching the show because of my post! That made me smile. 

On this episode, we learn more about the four ladies and how they deal with living and coping while having a husband in prison. 

Jhemini - this woman is nuts. She's convinced her husband is in federal prison for a white collar crime like insider trading and bank fraud. Instead, her husband is in jail for AGGRAVATED ASSAULT. She's always like, "My husband is in jail for assault. How can these women me married to men who committed murder?" 

On last week's episode, she lost her wedding ring while she was hiding it from her family (doesn't that always seem to happen LOL?). She's always mentioning how she has prestigious family members. Are you ashamed that your husband committed aggravated assault? 

While she's Skyping him on, he mentions "We gonna have to get you a new ring." Umm... With what money? The money she puts on your books? So she's buying her own ring? That's like when you were little and your mama gave your money to buy her a Mother's Day gift from you. Do they even sell diamond wedding rings at the commissary? How many stamps is that equivalent to? I mean I just want to know... 

Kate - she's kind of my favorite right now. She's down to earth and pretty cool. The most rational on out of the bunch. I guess as rational as you can be married to a man who's in prison. She puts Jhemini in her place and I like that. I don't even think I could be friends with Jhemini. Her voice is annoying. But Kate really loves her husband. And Carlo seems to have his head on his shoulders. Just kind of the wrong place/wrong time type deal. 

LaQuisha - she's having child support issues with her ex-husband. So of course, she tells her husband in prison - who has no job, who can do nothing to fix the situation and riles him up. But I can see where her husband is coming from. 

I mean how do you quit your job to finish your Associates? Not your PhD, MD, JD or even Masters... It's 2014, people work and go to school all the time. Then her husband said, "We not using the money (child support) to go to Red Lobster." I'll leave that right there. 

Her husband wants to have a threesome. I mean I guess sex is all the guys in prison have to talk about. But where are his priorities? You haven't had sex with him as your husband yet and he wants to bring another woman in the bedroom. Umm.. 

Ana - where is Iyanla? Poor thing. She has serious self esteem issues. It's so obvious. I hope the producers are paying for her to see somebody. Anybody in their right mind who is 29 years old and marries her prison pen pal who has been in jail for 27 years has some serious mental, abandonment issues. Then she had the nerve to get mad at someone was asking probing questions about her situation. "I mean I guess my situation is interesting to some people." Uh yeah it is. You are on a reality show which is about your life as a prison wife. She also commented "I love my man's control and what he has to offer." He probably doesn't even make $1 per hour and you pay to email and Skype him, gas and time to travel to see him. What can he offer you? Of course he can offer you stability - he's been sentenced to life in prison. He ain't going nowhere anytime soon. I just couldn't let a man who's in prison control anything about me. I don't let any man who's free control me. 

I just couldn't be a "Prison Wife" - yeah I could handle it if my man was in the Army serving our country. But in the penitentiary serving time, no that's not for me. Spending my time and money skyping on with a grainy screen and delayed sounds. Especially if you knew your husband was going to be in jail. If yall meet, get married and he goes to jail - then I could kind of see standing by him (For better or worst, right?) but if you met him on and then marry him - then you are a dumb ass fool. Tune in for next weeks episode on Lifetime at 9pm on Tuesday! 


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