Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Prison Wives Club, Episode 3

Prison Wives Club, Episode 3 - "No babies behind bars" 


She is my favorite!!! I love how rational and logical she is. She and her husband are discussing the topic of having children. She's 25, which is the prime age to have children - especially if you are married and stable. However, Kate's husband is in prison, which is not the ideal situation. And I am so glad Kate realizes that. It's pretty selfish of you to have a baby just because you want one. Your child won't have their father in their life, just because you want to post selfies with your growing belly with the caption of "the reason I breathe" or "my world" - that's not okay. 


Nothing really interesting happened with Quisha this episode. Besides her husband asking her how much money she spent at the strip club. Like sir, you have no income. Why are you worried about how much she spends. Ohhh that's right - any extra money she spends in the strip club is less money to put on your books for honey buns. How could I forget??? 


Can Dr. Phil or Oprah or Iyanla come and help this woman. I mean she is just sooooooo desperate to be loved. She is so in love with her murderer of a husband. She was scrap booking emails they sent to each other. One said, "Love is a drug and I'm addicted to you." Do they have tumblr in prison? I mean seriously where did he find that?! 

Then the woman he works two minimum wage jobs goes to a boutique to find a wedding dress. The sales associate got the total down to just under $1000 - which is still a lot when you have to pay $6 to send an email and put money on your husbands books for cigarettes and honey buns. She needs to take her azz down to the $99 sale at David's Bridal and keep it moving. I mean be realistic. Your two minimum wage jobs are going to have to support you and your husband until he finds a job. Who is going to hire a man who has been in jail for 27 years? 


This heffa... She is such a judgmental hypocrite. She is convinced her husband is in prison for feeding the homeless. I mean like can someone shake her to make her realize that he's in prison for assault?! She made a comment about Kate offering a ride to another PWC member to jail to visit her twin brother. "Why is she offering her a ride? She doesn't know her. I wouldn't let someone in my car who knows someone who's incarcerated." Umm... Lady what planet are you on?! Your husband is in prison. Then she made a comment about Kate kissing one of the female strippers. If her husband is okay with it, then that should be none of your concern. That's the problem with folks these days; always worrying about what goes on in other people's relationships. Worry about how your husband has walked off two J-pay visits that you paid for. I just can't with this woman. She says Kate is cheating on her husband when she went to lunch with her photographer so he could show her the head shots for her modeling career. He doesn't have an office? Like yall had to have lunch? To me, that's cheating because I'm sure you didn't pay for your food. Why is she so obsessed with hating Kate??? Calm down boo...

All of this is too much to worry about. I'm not about to let a man control me who is told when he can go outside to wait in line to bench press a bar. Like I can't live like that. 

Tune in for next week's post! 


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