Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Prison Wives Club, Episode 4

Prison Wives Club, “Friendly Fire” – 11/18/14
I still like Kate the most. But I can see her friendship with Rome is going to get her in trouble with her husband. Idk how much trouble one can get into with their significant other and he is locked up behind bars. I mean if anything, she’s saving money (Skypes on, gas for visits, etc.)
Kate has been trying to take over the Prison Wives Club. She’s calling meetings and whatnot, without the ringleader (LaQuisha) being present. Where I can see this coming from a good place and I’m sure this support group is needed because there are a lot of “ride or die” women out there supporting their men behind bars (I am not one of them). But it didn’t bode over well with LaQuisha. At the meeting, Kate was going over ideas and her BFF Jhemini shot down each one. Why did you drive an hour and a half and waste your gas and time to not even be supportive? Just don’t come if you don’t want to help or if your help is half-assed..
LaQuisha and Kate took Drea (whose brother is in prison, for the same crime at Jhemini’s husband…). And it was really sweet because Drea had not been to see her brother in prison for 3 years since his sentencing. They drove her up there and waited. I guess, this is what the show is all about. Supporting prison wives/family members.
So Ana went to visit her husband and he “forgot” his ID, so they couldn’t go into the public visitation area. This meant they had to go into a room where there’s a glass wall. I’m assuming this is where they have the phones and they can touch the wall and pretend to match handprints. You like they do in hood movies? I think Yvette had a dream doing this with Jody in Baby Boy.
But instead, they decided to show each other their “private parts.” He measured his penis with a piece of paper so she could tell how long it was. I mean come on! I can’t make this up. That is sooooo juvenile. I haven’t gotten a d*ck picture next to a ruler like that since I was 15 and still using AIM. Like imagine if a guard came in. I’m sure there are cameras. I bet the COs were having a field day laughing that this prison porn.
This woman is soooooo concerned with her family not knowing about her decisions to marry a man in prison but she’s on a reality TV show. So no one in her family watches the Lifetime channel? I’m sure someone will find out. She’s so concerned with her privacy and giving out her address when camera crews are following her, her car, showing her apartment, etc. I mean why even join the show? Oh that’s right – she’s trying to boost her “modeling career.”
She invited Ana and Quisha out to dinner to get to know her. I guess they thought it was more of “let’s all share about our lives” type of deal. But no, she rambled on and on about herself, her modeling career and her husband who’s in prison for assault. By the way, if you’re counting – this is the 4thepisode and the 4th time he walked off a Jpay visit that she’s paying for. Her husband called her out on being ashamed of her marriage to a man in prison. He’s right. She’s ashamed, but then she’s on a show chronicling her life about it….
The ladies were trying to start a Facebook page about their stories and whatnot. And put their contact information on there so women could reach out to them. This dummy said she would call them from a blocked number and tell them what to bring for their EVFs (conjugal visits). I mean how supportive is that? I just can’t with this woman. She keeps bringing up that people are in prison for murder. Umm.. newsflash lady – the only difference is that the man your husband shot, didn’t die. That’s it!!! I wish she get a grip and realize that she is just like every one of the other wives on this show. You’re husband still wears an orange jumpsuit and is assigned a 6 or 8 digit number. Don’t get it twisted. 

Check back next week for recaps! RHOA will be posted on Tuesdays and PWC will be posted on Thursdays. 


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