Thursday, May 26, 2011

RHONJ: In the name of the Father Recap

YES! The Real Housewives of New Jersey is BAAACCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!! :)

There are two new housewives! Although I will miss the Danielle Staub drama, I'm glad it's not 3 versus 1 anymore. The new housewives are Kathy and Melissa. Kathy is Teresa's first cousin and Melissa is Teresa's sister-in-law. Teresa, Caroline and Jacqueline are all back.

I liked Melissa during the previews of the show...BUT after hearing her talk - I CAN'T STAND HER! She does THEEEE most...ALL THE TIME! :) 

In the beginning of the episode, Ashley (Jacqueline's daughter) is shows her mom the PR firm in New York City where she interns. Her boss mentions that Ashley isn't going as regularly as she should. Ashley mentions how hard it is to wake up early and commute to the city from Jersey everyday. Strike one. Then she says that her parents should get her an apartment in the city so she won't have to commute. Strike two. Then she has a hissy fit because Jacqueline is FINALLY standing up to her daughter and speaking the truth. Strike three. Ashley needs a whopping!, what her ass needs is to be cut off! She'll learn! I believe Ashley thinks that just because her mother, stepfather, aunts, uncle and cousin are all featured on the show that she should get some of the newfound fame. Nope! Has Ashley even graduated from high school yet? She needs a wake-up call! 

Caroline's sons, Albie and Chris are moving out. About damn time! Aren't they like 23 and 21? I'm 21 and I live at home but as soon as I save up enough money, I'M MOVING THE HELL OUT!!! I'm pretty sure Albie and Chris Manzo have MORE THAN ENOUGH money to move out on their own. 

When Caroline was making dinner with her family, they started talking about Southerners about how we talk how we make dinner. We talk just like you...some may have a drawl to their accent. But it's no different from Jersey folk saying, "doowg" or "cawfee." And no, we don't make our own pasta. We buy it from the store.

I'm really proud of Teresa stepping up and sticking with her husband through all of her financial problems. I don't know if I could stay with someone who lied to me and my ass ended up with $11 billion in debt with 4 daughters. I'm strong but damn, it's only so much a sista can take!

About Melissa's son, Joey's christening. First off, she annoyed me when she kept asking her son, "Are you ready to be welcomed into God's kingdom?" 1) He's not even 1...he can't answer 2) He's not dying, he's just getting christened and 3) Quit doing the Sign of the Cross kissing up to Jesus. See how she just does THEEE most?!

Me, personally I believe that Joey and Melissa started the confrontation with the help of Melissa's sister, Lysa. I mean who tells their sister, "Walk the fuck away" - Melissa, you should have calmed your husband down since your son was being welcomed into God's kingdom and all. I guess the Gorga's are angry people - Teresa flipped a table on Danielle because she said, "Pay attention." Now Joey is flipping a table on Teresa because she said, "Whatever."

And Joe, Teresa's husband, was only taking up for his wife. I don't blame him. If I had a husband, hell if I had a boyfriend, I hope he would do the same for me.

Kathy is just as messy as they come. She's almost up there with Kim G. She kept telling how she took the kids out of harm's way and how they left early. Girl boom! Please have a seat! It was a family function - that's what your SUPPOSED TO DO! If my parents were in a family argument, I'm sure my aunt/cousin would get me out of the confusion, no questions asked!

It really broke my heart when Gia kept telling her dad to "STOP IT" and "CALM DOWN" - I've been in that situation and trust me no nine-year old should have to deal with that.

I'm glad Mr. Gorga, Teresa and Joey's dad, can see through their fakeness and told Joey how horribly he acted. Ailing or not, I would have popped my child if they told me, "You're my f*cking mother." I mean really...I wouldn't even tell Scrooge that!

So all in all, I can't stand Melissa. Kathy is messy. Teresa is my girl. Caroline is like a mama and Jacqueline is just floating in air.

Can't wait for the next episode and the rest of the season! It's going to be a good one! 

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