Thursday, July 28, 2011

Big Brother 14 - 7/28 Eviction

What's with everyone throwing POV competitions this season? Keith threw it and went home. Dominic threw and is going home. FYI - when you are on BB, you should NEVERRRRRRR throw a POV competition, especially if you're nominated. Who does that?? 

Shelly and Jordan are some tattle-tails! I'm going to give them some tails like I make the kids I baby-sit wear if I tattle. They can't hold water for nothing!!! Seriously? 

Brendon is so annoying. He talks to Rachel any kind of way and thinks he's the ruler of the world because Rachel pumps his ego up. Daniele hasn't talked to her father in 3 years...what makes you think she will take any crap from you? You don't matter! *in my Evelyn Lozada voice* "You are a non-motherfucking factor boo boo" 

I love Jeff and Jordan but I don't know.....something seems odd about them. Jeff seems like Jordan's bigger brother or father and not her boyfriend and lover. Jeff confronts Dominic about the backdooring plan. Dominic says he doesn't know where it came from. Dominic also says that it's Daniele's fault. NOPE!!! It's your fault because you started running your mouth to everyone. Your fault, no one elses!

I love Dom, but he doesn't know what to do! He keeps trying to fix the situation but he keeps on digging a bigger hole for himself.  Meanwhile Jeff and Brendon think they are rulers of the world in this BB house because they are the Vets. The Vets think they run the entire house. Someone needs to set them straight...maybe Daniele will since the couples twist is up and everyone can compete in competitions. 

Brendon is a sexist and macho-man. He talks to women in such a condescending way. Cassi, Kalia. Best believe, his dumb ass who studied "rocket science" wouldn't talk to me that way. 

Jordan is just as messy as they come. No one takes her seriously though because of her accent. "Let's get everyone and sit it down and talk about it." Jeff mentions that when Kalia wanted to backdoor Jeff/Jordan that they were friends. Why is everyone worried about being friends? This is a game! Daniele is the ONLY one who is playing the game and not worried about making friends. Dani has the BEST social and physical game and she can't even play. I'm ready for her to start playing!

The live show!!!!

Seems like Adam's "Vote for Me" speech is like heyyyy Dom is going home; I'm just saying this just because Julie asked me to. Dom's speech kind of reminds me of Chima's speech; except Dom knew he was going home. He basically said, "EFF YOU!" to everyone without cursing! 

Here's how the votes went:
Jeff: Dominic
Jordan: Dominic
Kalia: Dominic
Daniele: Adam 
Brendon: Dominic
Shelly: Dominic
Lawon: Dominic 
Porsche: Dominic 

I do not like this crowd that Big Brother has outside the house for the eviction episodes. I liked when it was really a walk of shame (in past seasons). And why are these people cheering? What's there to be happy about? He just lost his chance at $500,000 or $50,000. That's not laughing matter. 

Lawon's goodbye speech was hilarious! I think they chose him just because he's CRAY CRAY!!! Jordan's imitation of Rachel's infamous quote, "No one comes between me and my man," was just as funny! Big Brother did cast some characters this season. I wonder what the house would be like if Evel Dick was still there? 

It's an endurance HOH competition. I'm pretty sure it'll come down to Rachel, Brendon, Jeff and Daniele. Kalia, Shelly, Porsche and Lawon don't have a chance. 

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Real Housewives of New Jersey: Christmas Episode

I guess blogging is my future. I'm at the Louisiana Baptist Youth Encampment and just auditioned for a role in the Annual Drama, but didn't get it. If I had gotten the role, I wouldn't have been blogging. I didn't get it, so here I am! 

I have a hunch as to why I didn't get it. While at the drama, the girl who got my role was thanking one of the directors. Her speech went as follows, "I'd like to thank one of the directors, my mother..." - I knew I didn't get it because I knew that she went to church with one of the directors, but I had no idea that they were mother and daughter. Oh well, God knew what he was doing because I got a chance to blog on the same night as the episode AND I got a chance to minister to people through mime. I'll see if I can figure out how to post some pictures and the video of the mime performance. 

 I'm so proud and happy that Joey and Melissa kicked Monica Chacon out of the party. I'm also happy to see Melissa and Teresa dancing together. I know that everything can't be forgotten in an instant, but I'm glad they are putting things away and enjoying the holidays. 

Here Kim G goes stirring up trouble. Her friend, Monica got kicked out of the party - so I guess she's trying to save face and make herself look better. However, Teresa is right...Kim G does look like a duck. 

Mama Caroline is setting Kim G straight! Caroline will set you straight. Kim G needs to be set straight! She's crazy! Chris Manzo (Caroline's son) had to escort Kim G out. In the end, Kim G got kicked out of the party...just like Monica Chacon. I'm starting to think that Melissa shouldn't throw parties because every time - there's just DRAMAAAAA!!! 

Kim G is now stirring up drama with the relationship of the friendship of her son and Caroline's son. Kim G needs to get a hobby, man, dog or all of the above because obviously, she's craving attention. She just wants to be on the camera because of all this drama she's causing. She came to hurt because she thinks Teresa called her "Kim Grannytelly." 

Okay, I know Teresa and Joe have four daughters but I really didn't need to know that you all are going to make passionate love all night. Ew that's just gross. I don't want to imagine anyone having sex, but myself. Plain and simple. 

Here Kathy is cooking. Maybe she's using this as a chance to promote her restaurant or whatever. I'm so done with her and her two-faced husband of hers. "I didn't get a chance to invite her." Uhhh, what about text, email, phone call??? Kathy's mama just as messy as she is...

Teresa invited Melissa and the kids over for Christmas. Baby steps, baby steps. I'm excited to see how that all works out. 

Caroline is backing giving advice to people. She seems like a great person to get advice from. She tells it like it is, but also in a loving way. 

Teresa's house for Christmas Eve. Teresa's parents are here. Everyone is having fun. Let's see if that lasts when Melissa gets there. Now we see Melissa getting her kids ready, and she keeps saying "It's Jesus' birthday" - omg when will she stop?! Antonia (Melissa's daughter) asked how old Jesus was and Melissa dumb ass says "He's 89" - really bitch? Jesus died in like 32 AD. So you could at least say 2,000 years old. And not 89!!!

Caroline's house seems stressful during Christmas. All of these people, would make me overwhelmed. It's too many people. I want a big family, but they just got too many people. I bet Caroline calling Kim G "a fool" is going to come up at the reunion, when Kim G pops up at the reunion, to which she's not a housewife...

OMG! Look at all these people at Caroline's house. It's just too many people. Aw! Caroline and Al are so in love. "I love you boobie" - that's just so cute! I want to be old and in love like them. 

Ashley, I feel you girl. I know my dad loves me, but I don't think he likes me. just a Scrooge. All I can say is BAH HUM BUG! when he makes me mad. But I'm still having a hard time coming to grips with that. I do need to listen (like Ashley), but I'm not as selfish and inconsiderate as Ashley is - I just need to take constructive criticism. 

I'm mad Melissa has a nanny. What do you do all day? I mean really...take care of your children. Oh yeah, I forgot she's in the basement singing in the studio that Joey built you. Now see, Melissa is being messy bringing all those damn cookies. I know Teresa requested a specific type of cookies, but do you need ALL those boxes? Teresa threw Melissa's cookies away...because they were store bought. If I'm going to waste calories on desserts, they better be homemade. I can go get store-bought cookies any day of the year. 

Okay, so why is Melissa dressed like a hooker? I mean, I'm just asking. It's Christmas. Put on a Bill Cosby Christmas sweater and some jeans and some heels and call it a day. 

I'm sorry. My kids are not believing in Santa. For what? I bought those damn gifts. Not some fat guy in a red suit. No Santa, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy. Nope. ALL ME AND MY HUSBAND! If you want your kids to keep their innocence, then don't bring them around Brielle, Brynne, Brayden or Blake because they WILL ruin your kid's Christmases, first tooth, etc. I'm just saying. 

Milania and Antonia are so cute. Even though, Antonia looks JUST like Melissa :/. 

I'm happy they put the past behind them, well at least for one day. 

Can't wait until next episode! 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Real Housewives of New Jersey: Twas the FIGHT before Christmas

Joe and Teresa are putting up the Christmas tree with the girls! One question, why doesn't Gabriella look like the rest of the Giudice girls? 

Melissa wants everything perfect for her huge Christmas party that she's throwing this year, for "Jesus' birthday" - really? Jesus was born in a barn. He doesn't really care about your party and the perfectness of decorations and whatnot. 

Waitttttt!!! I didn't know Joe went to jail for a DUI. Do most people go to the jail for a DUI? Don't they just have to pick up trash on the side of the road, pay a fine and be on probation? Or were they just doing the most to prove a point because of who he is? I'm mad Teresa lied to the girls. Hell, they need to know! Don't drink and drive! "A fishing trip???" Really? I hope they don't watch Bravo! 

Melissa...Melissa...Melissa...I have no words. I really don't like her! Like ewww!!! Go away! Melissa and her sisters are just fame-hungry whores who will do anything to stay in the spotlight. Especially her sister Lysa. 

I know all of the families on RHONJ are really close and family-oriented but I'm tired of all the children getting all this spotlight! I want to know about the drama between the HOUSEWIVES and not between Chris, Albie, Lauren, Ashley, etc. 

I'm sick and tired of Ashley's complaining. STFU! Plenty of people come from broken families and are doing fine. Build a bridge and get over it! She steady complaining about how she and Chris (her step-dad) aren't that close, but she driving around in the car that HE PAID FOR! She can't even afford her car note working at an unpaid internship!  

I wonder how late Ashley was to her birthday dinner. I think I took the cake with my tardiness. I was about 2 hours late to my birthday dinner. But that's okay, because I was GOOD AND DRUNK! Plus, everyone stayed - so they must love me! :) 

Melissa is planning her party and keeps on reminding people that it's "Jesus' birthday." Is his name really Fabulous Fred? Moving on.... Holddddddd up! She's having craps tables and blackjack. Did anyone remember when Jesus flipped the tables over because of the gambling. Since this is "Jesus' birthday" shouldn't you not gamble and honor his wishes? I can't take Melissa. She's steady talking about how close she is to God and Jesus but her actions don't reflect her attitude! 

Caroline and Al are still in love. They are so cute together! You can tell she loves her some Al and vice-versa! 

This should be an interesting party!!!

Teresa's mom is right! Imitation is the best form of flattery! 

Why does Melissa look like she's getting married? With that lil tiara on her head... Whatever happened to a pot-luck with family and gossip about the town people? This party is just too much. I hate to see rich people spend money on frivolous things like money with their faces on it (What's the purpose? Y'all just gone throw it away anyway.) and people dressed like carolers. When I become financially comfortable - I'll invest in GUNS and not BUTTER! 

Kathy looked really awkward when Melissa was going through her panty drawer looking for a g-string. I personally like my ass covered. Those cotton drawls from Victoria's Secret (this reminds me - I need to go pay Vicky). This may be TMI - but hell it's MY blog. So I will say what I please, with that said - thongs and g-strings are cool but only if necessary. Why wear it on a daily basis only to feel like you got a stick up your ass? And I don't wear them to church, I feel like a hooker, heathen, whore, and every name in the book. Is it just me or does everyone feel like that? Okay, back to the episode....

I'm ready for the drama! 

Shoutout to the black dude! Kenneth Morris representing for the Children's Hospital! 

Why is Teresa driving, and not Joe? He was probably drunk...People never learn. After a tragedy, people live right for about 3 months then go back to their ways. Am I right?....or am i right?

DRAMAAAAA!!!! :) Kathy is just ugh! Teresa said hey! What you want her to jump up and down because she's happy to see you? Kathy, men don't care about your drama. Well Rich might because he seems like he would. I hate men who get involved in female drama. I'm surprised Melissa didn't say, "It's Christmas. It's Jesus' birthday. You're not going to cry," when she was consoling Kathy. 

Melissa keep saying, "It's not us. It's the Giudice's. We're the nice people." No boo boo, it's YOUR PEOPLE too! I'm pretty sure that Melissa's brother-in-law's isn't missing that $1,000 if he loaned it. My mama always said, "Never loan something you need," because you NEVER know when you are going to need it or get it back.  

Melissa and Joe Gorga so messy. Why would she invite Kim G knowing it's going to cause drama. Melissa asks Kim G to inform Monica that she needs to leave because she doesn't want drama at the party (maybe she does have a nice bone in her body). Kim G tells Melissa, "oh I can't do that." Umm, this is HER HOUSE! If she doesn't want Monica Chacon there, then Monica Chacon has to leave! If I was Melissa, I'd tell Monica AND Kim G to GET THE FUCK UP OUT MY HOUSE!!! 

YAY! Joe is standing up! Monica get up out the house! Kim G needs to leave! And so does Monica. Kim G steady standing up for Monica! Melissa asked her to leave like 10 times - like take a hint and hit the door! I'm actually proud of Joey and Melissa for respecting Teresa's wishes! I'm glad that they are putting this "silly vendetta" aside and be a family! 

Next episode: more drama with the party! Mama Caroline is going to tear into Kim G's ass! I can't wait!!! 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Big Brother 14 - Episode 3

It's funny how both Keith and Porsche think they are going to both stay in the house. It'll be interesting to see who ends up staying. I want Keith to stay because he's black. 

It's funny how Deacon Keith is steady lying. He really hasn't told the truth since he stepped into the house. 

The house is playing Big Booty. They played this game on After Dark like 5 nights ago. I'm going to need the producers to do better!!! The Vets are only playing Big Booty because they want The Newbies to vote their way. 

Brendon and Rachel are starting to seclude themselves again. Brendon is a little bitch and I can't see them together. I just can't. They are just too awkward. I couldn't have a man that I could run right through. I would get bored with that. Brendon is really upset because Rachel told someone that she calls him "Bookie" - lawd! STFU! Omg! Hell, we call one of my cousins Bookie! I can't deal with him! I'm done with him! Moving on....

The Vets are trying to recruit some Newbies for their side, so they can keep Porsche. I hope the Newbies stay true to the 8 and not vote for the Vets. The Newbies need to stick together!!!

For CBS to show Keith humping the hell out of Dominic! That is too funny!!! 

Daniele and Dick's relationship creeps me out. Daniele didn't want to say she loved her father. I know that could be awkward, but don't make yourself look like an ass on tv. 

Keith is gone. Damn Kalia! I hope she gets eliminated! I don't understand how the Newbies are so dumb!!! Now you just gave control to The Newbies! Dummy!!! Keith can only blame himself for this eviction. He picked Porsche for his partner because he was attracted to her - bad move! And she not even cute! 

Time for the HOH Competition! Who will win? Everyone has to put put golf. Lawon made a fool out of himself! I'm watching it with my grandma and she thinks that Lawon should be eliminated just on his dress and his head! 

Jordan is the new HOH! 

BB13 fans - check back next Thursday! 

Teen Mom:


Gary and Amber are moving in together. They break-up and make-up more than a junior high couple. I feel sorry for Leah, because even they mentioned how it's affected her! They need to just take a break...for good! 

I hope Amber keep this house cleaner than her other house. Her house stayed with clothes and junk everywhere! I bet it's a cat somewhere in there. 

Amber and Gary fight too much in front of Leah. At least when my parents fought, they closed the door. Scrooge didn't start cussing in front of me until it was at me, then I started enjoying making him mad - such is life. 

Gary is the best parent that Leah has. Amber needs to change. Gary simply asked for her to stop cursing in front of her child. Is that a complicated request? I mean how hard is that? Gary should have BEEN filed for custody of Leah because Amber is obviously not stable enough to take care of Leah, attempting to commit suicide and all. 

Why is Gary trying to get Amber back? Y'all are NOT good together! Leave it alone!!! 

It's so weird how Leah looks just like Gary. I'm glad that Shawn (Amber's brother) finally said that they are both retarded. I'm glad he brought up anger management because they need to go somewhere! They are not good for each other. Amber keeps saying, "if we didn't have Leah, we wouldn't be together." Well don't be together. Leah needs to two parents that love her, not two parents constantly cursing and yelling.


Why is Maci calling Kyle with her boyfriend with her bill problems? Maci is putting Bentley in time-out. He's laughing. Typical white parent. He needs to be popped on the wrist!  

Maci is moving back home to Chattanooga. Aw man! She's my favorite (which is why her color is purple/my favorite color)! I wish she could get her money right so she can stay in Chattanooga and be happy! Kyle wants to move in with Maci and Bentley. It's a nice gesture, but they did just break up. 

Maci told her mom about Kyle wanting to move in together. Maci's mom is right, Bentley does need stability. However, Kyle seems like more of a father than Ryan. Maci had to put Ryan on child support for him to actually want to see his son. I think the only reason Ryan wanted Bentley for more days was so his child support would/could go down. 

Why does Ryan care if Maci gets married or not? She's not your woman anymore. You can't care anymore. You gave up that right when you were out late at night with your friends and left Maci in that apartment with a crying newborn. 

Maci and Kyle are so cute. Wait, was he in her apartment before she got there? Uh oh, Kyle has a key! I agree with Kyle - Ryan is secretly madly in love with Maci. Oh well, he had his chance...plenty of times!!!


Farrah...Farrah...Farrah! She hasn't changed yet. Personally, I don't think Farrah should have gotten implants. She took out a loan for boobs. She needs to focus on Baby Sophia and graduating from Culinary School and not modeling. 

Farrah got a modeling job. She's modeling hair. I bet she thinks that her boobs booked it. Because boobs have everything to do with hair. Moving on...

This is Farrah's first time traveling? Like ever? I know that I'm blessed to have been able to travel, but Farrah and her family just seem so well off that it's kind of odd for them not to travel. Well maybe they did travel but felt that Farrah's attitude was not the best, so they left her ass. Maybe that was it! 

I'm glad Farrah is missing Sophia. It shows that she has really grown. Because before she would always pawn Sophia on (Farrah's) grandmother to go out on dates and think nothing of it. 

I'm so happy to see Sophia missing Farrah! It's so cute! One question, why is this baby still with a pacifier in her mouth? I think that once a baby starts walking, the pacifier needs to "go missing." 


Catelynn and Tyler are trying to move in together. Is it just me or do they still look like a little kids? "We're going to have to get a job." - No shit, Catelynn! 

Catelynn has too much metal going on in her mouth area. Braces, nose ring, lip ring, tongue ring. That's just too much. 

Tyler's sister mentioned that Catelynn is "all clingy" - I agree. She is kind of clingy. I never see her without Tyler. Tyler needs to change his mind. Y'all haven't even finished high school and want to move in with each other. What kinda sense that make? None. Okay. 

I'm starting to dread Catelynn's scenes. I'm so tempted to fast forward over her scenes. I still don't see how Catelynn and Tyler are going to move somewhere with no job and no education. I mean people move in places all the time with no education. But I mean, they gave their baby up for adoption because they felt that they couldn't raise her properly and almost two years later, they are still not on track. I think Tyler is going to back out. He wanted to call his mom before signing the lease - what does that tell you? 

Catelynn again...Catelynn and Tyler are moving in together. So, did they ever get jobs? How are they paying for the rent? They have money saved up? I really want to know! Is that a baby blanket they're playing with? Looks like the kind they give you in the hospital. 

Next episode: Kyle and Ryan are finally meeting. Tyler's dad is out of jail. Farrah has more problems with social security for Sophia. Child Protection Services calls on behalf of Leah.   

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Toya: A Family Affair - Reminiscence

We start out this episode with Reginae's birthday party. She looks JUST like Wayne. *in my Maury voice* YOU ARE THE FATHER! Wait, did Toya just say, "You lookeded so pretty" - okay I'm done. Reginae is channeling Phaedra with those rhinestones on her eyes. 

Tiny's back! Lawd, I didn't even have to hear her voice to know it was her. She is the ONLY person who has a voice like that! Toya mentions that Wayne met Memphis and Wayne approves. Great! It's always great to have your ex-husband approve of your fiance. This was filmed right after Tiny and T.I. got married. A short time after, T.I. got sent back to jail for violating probation. So of course Tiny says, "Newlywed and missing a husband." Umm, boo boo YOU were in the car too. You should have had sense enough to tell your "hunni" that driving around with amphetamines and other drugs isn't such a great idea. I'm sure you enjoy the flowers he sends you every so often. 

Rudy doesn't know what to do. Get a job or a get a GED? How about GET BOTH! What else are you doing with your time? Moving on...

Toya is promoting her store by wearing the "I'm a Garbie" tee - make your paper boo boo. Oh lawd! Toya wants to produce a "real" video for her TRIFELON brother, Walter. Has anyone seen said video. Walter just said, "she acknowledged my needs." While Toya is shelling out all this moving producing videos, getting restaurants and whatnot - what are y'all doing to help her our? Just because she popped out Lil' Wayne's baby doesn't mean the entire family should benefit. 

On the shoot of Walter's video...*side-eye* - this is worse than Lil' Boosie's videos. Singing in front of dilapidated houses in the 9th ward of New Orleans - yea that's a hit! Toya just said, "This brings back so much memories." Why can't the producers tell her about her grammar? I think they like making fun of her grammar, just like we do.  Then Walter says, "This where my daddy introduced my mama to drugs." Way to go Walter. While Toya and Rudy are remembering t the good times and you bring up the fact that Crazy Nita was on crack. Two claps for you! 

Ew! Did Toya and her daddy kiss on the lips? Omg! Ew! She's grown! She has a child! She's been married and is engaged and you kissing her on the lips? Ew!!!! Moving on...

Toya, "You look a whole lot happy." Don't you mean "happier" - I mean like really? Toya mentions that her dad is having another baby. So he has a 12-year old grandchild (it doesn't matter that Toya had her in junior high) and one on the way? Whoever he knocks up is NASTY AS THEE HELL! Then Toya says, "I told you not to have no more babies" - are you his mother? He can stick his penis wherever he chooses, he's grown! It's still nasty to be old as hell having babies. But I digress...

Therapy time! Rudy mentions how he doesn't get along with Casey. Rudy does act wayyyy more mature than Casey. Does everyone in the family want to be a rapper? See what you done did Trifelon?! 

Toya is trying to pull a Kardashian move. Use sex to get ahead in life. Think about it, who would have known who Kim, Khloe and Kourtney were unless Kim had a sextape with Ray J? Who would know who Toya is, if it weren't for Reginae? Someone please get Toya a tissue. Tears just falling down her face and she steady whining. Toya does make a good point though, everyone expects her to sponsor their get-rich-quick schemes (Nita's restaurant, Walter's rap career, Rudy's move to LA). 

I wonder how much child support Toya gets for Reginae. She just said, "I just opened my store with my money. Not with what Wayne give me." Makes you think. Y'all think Lil' Wayne could be my baby daddy? I could be BFF with Toya, Nivea and Lauren London. We could tweet each other. Reginae could tweet me too. Okay I'm done. 

Walter didn't know how Toya felt. Boy! No one cares that you were in jail for 10 years. Toya doesn't owe you a damn thing! I know you have a lot of thoughts written on tissue, but you need to get your career started on your own merit, not on Toya's. 

Next episode: Toya finally sits down and hashes out her differences with Tosha (Walter's wife/Pai'chence's mom). Memphis gets advice again (I feel like they just trying to give him air time because all of his scenes are of him getting advice for getting married). And Toya and Memphis have a sex-scene (I wonder if Wayne approved of that). 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Real Housewives of New Jersey: Holidazed and Confused

I think its a good idea that Jacqueline is trying to reunite the Giudice's and the Gorga's. It obviously didn't work because they are still feuding. But oh well... Ashley used the "jump off a bridge" analogy when discussing whether or not Jacqueline should have the Holiday Cocktail Party, can you please come up with another analogy. No one is going to jump off a bridge. 

Caroline's children are so cute. They're used to being together and now that they aren't, they can't take it. That's like KJ and I. We miss each other HARD but when we're together, we're fighting like crazy. 

I don't understand why every housewife's child gets to do a confessional. This is the Real HouseWIVES of New Jersey. Not the Real FAMILIES of New Jersey. 

Ever since Melissa said, "a wench like me" and not "a wretch like me" when she was singing "Amazing Grace" - she lost ALL respect for me as a person AND singer. By the way, what's up with Melissa always shouting out to Jesus? *in my Melissa voice* Thank you Jesus! Like stop that! I love Jesus but she sounds facetious when she's doing it. Joe doesn't want Melissa to be a singer because she won't be able to cook him dinner every night. Typical. Since you can afford a nanny, why don't you hire a chef too? Melissa is an AVERAGE singer. She's just okay. I'm not hating, nor am I an American Idol judge, but I know what my ears say. She needs to work on her runs and her pitch problems. I just won't be buying any of her records. 

I have to give the Giudice's all the respect in the world. They are still sticking together. You can tell that they really love each other and that they are "ride or die" for each other. I mean Joe was flipping pizzas to support his family. Now that's a man. What's the name of that song that has lyrics that say, "I was told the definition of a man was to never cry, work til you die and provide" - okay I probably messed up a few lyrics but Joe Giudice is that. He's still providing for his family, no matter what the tabloids say. 

What's up with everyone buying restaurants? First Teresa, now Kathy. Seems likes everyone wants to be like my girl Teresa. Kathy wants belly dancers in her restaurant. This is New Jersey, not Morrocco. No one wants to see a half-naked girl dancing in their husband's/boyfriend's face while their on a date. Maybe some do, but I know I don't. Is it Just me or is Rich (Kathy's husband) extra weird? 

Melissa still feeds her 3-year old? Most three-year olds are begging and screaming to feed themselves. I will not be feeding my three year old. You can feed yourself. It's okay.  

You can tell these people (Joe and Melissa Gorga) have nothing better to do with their lives. Who just up and builds a recording studio in their basement? Go donate to charity. That's what Jesus would want you to do. 

I don't know what to think of Jacqueline this's like she's just kind of....there. But yea I don't think there should be too many glasses of wine at the Giudice/Gorga Holiday Cocktail party. 

I'm with Chris Manzo! I want real Christmas trees. I almost DIED when I saw my mom put up a fake tree one year. Even though I HATE sweeping up needles from under the tree, I wouldn't have it any other way. The smell of pine needles is what makes Christmas. 

Okay, now Lauren and her brothers are just being extra. Is it that hard to send a text to your brother? Moving on...Is their roommate Greg gay? I'm pretty sure, but who care? 

Ahhh! The return of Kim G...She's just feigning for a spot on the show. All this drama. Just because you had a brain tumor, doesn't give you the right to be EXTRA MESSY! Who cares about Teresa's finances? If it's not affecting what you eat and your clothes, then don't worry about it. I'm happy Jacqueline stood up for her AND Teresa. That's a TRUE friend!

Maybe Teresa and Jo have money in an off-shore account or something because they are still living in the fab lane. But who cares right? Anyhoo, that Monica girl. Like WTF?! I wonder what really happened. You have no tact or class. How do you first meet someone then say something that you don't want getting out, but say "keep it on the hush hush" - they didn't know! So if you would have shut your mouth.....
Kim G: hi! Meet my friend Monica.
Monica *to Melissa and Kathy*: I'm suing Teresa.  

I'm confused...why are Rich and Kathy meeting with Al Manzo? Moving on...

There are three sides to the story. Your side, their side and the truth. 

Melissa/Joe, why would Kathy and Rich be invited? Are they friends with Jacqueline and her husband? No...okay. Bye. Joe Gorga just told Greg that he was tall, noooo buddy - you're just short. Why is Melissa and Joe tripping about this trip? Move on, you weren't invited. This is not junior high. You couldn't have gone anyway. Antonia had a recital. Moving on... 

I think Joe Gorga likes to cross dress...he was Snooki for Halloween and now he's dressing up in Jacqueline's dress. Interesting....I don't know of any men who enjoy dressing in women's clothing. Cross dressing just doesn't seem fun to me...

Okay Joe Giudice is trying to find out what time the party starts and Melissa is still ignoring him. Like damn, the man is trying! ANSWER HIM! 

The next epsiode looks like drama...I'm tired of Melissa talking about Jesus. "It's Jesus' birthday and I need it to be perfect" - umm Jesus was born in a barn, he doesn't care about your party and the table settings being perfect!!! Until next time....

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Beyonce's "Best Thing I Never Had" Video


How awesome is her body in this lingerie? She's making me not want to eat a piece of Scrooge's birthday cake (Chocolate Doberge from Gambino's) tonight while I'm watching Big Brother After Dark! She's my inspiration!!! Did I already say how much I LOVE HER?!

This is one of my favorite songs off her new album "4" - I know all of the words. The lyrics really speak to me, even though I've never really had a SERIOUS boyfriend. Just a REALLY GOOD friend, for a couple of years, who made me feel all the emotions the lyrics from this song evokes. My favorite: "You don't deserve, my tears. I guess that's why they ain't there."

Was this video (dated May 16, 1998) a real video? If so, her then-boyfriend has some gall dancing with another heaux on-camera. And looking at said heaux's ass! I would have popped him!!! I really do need to work on my temper. I almost threw hot gumbo on the manager at Piccadilly when he wouldn't adjust my price. Thank God, I ended up walking out. And how, perfect that she walked out on him...on camera? 

Who else noticed that Beyonce' was on the WRONG side of altar in the video? Isn't the bride supposed to be on the left side? I wonder why Jay-Z couldn't be her husband in this video. I guess she figured, "hell they all know we married" - but still, it would have been a nice touch to the video. 

I don't like Beyonce's hair in this video. For my wedding, I want a full, wavy hair style, not two cinnamon buns  attached to my head. I do like that she changed into a party-dress. I want that at my wedding too! I also wouldn't have been in the grass with my wedding dress. I won't even let that dress touch the concrete on the ground, while I'm getting of the limo or old-fashioned car while entering the church. Anyone want to volunteer to be a train-holder? No one. Oh. Ok. Watching this video makes me think of my wedding and what my marriage is going to be like. I'm doing all this planning and I don't even have a boyfriend. I gotsta do better!  

Here's the link to the video: 

I hope Beyonce' makes a video for "Countdown" - that's one of my favorite episodes too! 

Big Brother 14 - Episode 1

I wasn't going to blog about this show but I thought, why not?! I don't have anything else to do! Plus, a few people have asked me if I was going to blog. However, this may change when school starts back up in late August, but I will try to blog sparingly since BB14 ends in September! 

I can already tell this is going to be one of the BEST seasons of Big Brother in a long time! 

We meet the 8 houseguests! Shelly is from Prairieville, that's like 5 minutes from Baton Rouge! I hope she makes it far. Once the black people get voted off, then I'll root for the LA native. Sorry, but that's how it goes! Hehe :)

Porcshe, the VIP cocktail waitress, isn't as "hot" as she says. is a cocktail waitress a "lush" lifestyle? Who lied to you boo boo?

Lawon claims he is BEST DRESSER yet, it looks like he is stuck in the 80s! 

The youth minister, Keith is kinda FINE! He can get the business!

I don't think I will like the white, bald biker dude who's name is Adam. 

This girl, Kalia is going to get on my nerves already! How you not like showers and hair? You didn't watch the show previously? 

I'm mad that Dominic still lives with his mama. Wait, I still do. 

Moving on, how does someone from Texas, have this country ass accent?! That's worse than Mississippi and Alabama!

Now, that I'm done judging. We can get back to the game. 

Julie tells the houseguests they must pick a pair. This is kind of like BB9...y'all don't remember that one huh? 

Shelly is partnered with Cassi. Lawon and Kalia. Porsche and Keith. Adam and Dominc. 

Shelly and Cassi seem like they'd work well together. Kalia is right, Lawon won't be the best partner if you want to lay low. I'm mad Keith picked Porcshe, she not even that cute. He won't get very far. Adam and Dominic - whew...I'd be scared! 

Now we wait for the remaining 3 couples to enter the house....

The WORST! Rachel and Brendon are back! o_0 just who I wanted to see. Can you sense my sarcasm? I can't stand Rachel's voice! It's like nails on a chalkboard. I don't know how I am going to last listening to her voice if she makes it far. Brendon proposed to Rachel, he cried. I see he still the same lil bitch he was last season *insert side-eye*

YAY!!! Jeff and Jordan are back! This is kind of odd because Jordan won the season when she was on it. Jordan is still not good at math. They are so cute together. I love Jeff's accent. 

HELL FREAKING YEA!!! I am SOOOO excited that Evel Dick and Daniele are back on this show. Daniele's dark hair makes her look...different. I hope she brought some dye, being that her roots may grow out. So Evel Dick and Daniele are not speaking....I think it's true being that Daniele was about to fall off the chair in the confessional. What do you believe? Sidenote: why Evel Dick ain't use his $500K to buy some new clothes? Those are the SAME clothes he wore on his season! 

It'll be interesting to see how Keith will last with Evel Dick and Adam. Being that Keith is a deacon and Evel Dick made it known that he doesn't believe in God (he got into 10,000 fights with Jameka on his season) and Adam said he doesn't like when people force religion down people's throats. Even though Keith said he was matchmaker, he is bound to bring out his bible sometime!  

Shelly and Cassi dropped first. I understand they didn't want to win the first HOH but damn, that don't mean you gotta drop FIRST! Now you risk people calling you weak. I don't think Adam and Dominic are going to be very good partners, you can tell Dominic is already getting aggravated with Adam. And Rachel has won the first HOH. Now, I have to hear her voice more often. 

The Golden Key guarantees you a spot in Top 10! This a BIG TWIST!!! If you and your partner are nominated and your partner leaves, you automatically get a spot in the Top 10. You can't participate in ANY competitions, but you CAN VOTE in eviction! This is HUGE!!! 

So ready for tonight's BBAD and Sunday's episode!!! 

Toya: A Family Affair - Looking into the Future

Sorry this blog is a little late! I was baby-sitting on Tuesday and the people for whom I baby-sat for had BET on the Parental Control. Which means, it was BLOCKED! Where they do that at? I guess that's good :/ 

This scene with Toya and Memphis is kind of awkward. Only the cast of The Hills can re-act scenes without it being perceived as fake. Toya and Memphis can't act. Really, why did Memphis say, "I'm a sex monkey" - what about a "sex machine" - who says "sex monkey" - like that's not even normal. 

When was this show taped? The episode where Walter and Tosha got married, it looked hot and sunny and everyone is wearing shorts and tanks. But on this episode, Rudy and Sperm Daddy are wearing skull caps while having a heart-to-heart on the levee. What gives BET? 

Rudy tells us that he quit the construction job *insert side-eye* - has he finished high school yet? I don't think he's a fan of hard work, and the main reason is because of him being "the baby boy" of the family. It happens in every family. My little brother is afraid of flying insects. Literally, he will RUN from a fly...don't ask him to do a construction job. But my brother will always find a way to "work smarter and not harder" - so what is Rudy doing to make money now? Toya goes all over the world? *insert side-eye*

On to the next scene, Casey and GayGay argue! Yes!!! GayGay is right - Casey is VERY childish. But really, what is Casey doing that's gonna pay off BIGGGG? He claims he's not selling drugs or on the corner? But he's in jail STILL for having cocaine. GayGay's accent is almost as bad as Toya's. Tell me how Daddy is going to make things all right, but you still in jail? You gonna send the 8 cents an hour you make to GayGay? Lemme stop...

Danielle must have had a C-section for her not to be able to sit down. Toya wanting to have a baby AFTER she gets married is a BIG SHOCK, I mean didn't she have Reginae when she was in middle school? She was just 13/14...

Moving on, Walter is giving Casey advice. Has Walter rapping made him any money? Anyhoo, Walter is actually making sense in this scene. You HAVE to respect the mother of your child, regardless if she's a hooker, your wife, a one-night stand, etc. He's not being TRIFELON for a change. AW! :) 

Walter is back at being TRIFELON again. He's mad because Rudy can move on with his life and that he can't because his probation says that he must stay in Louisiana for the next 3-5 years? How selfish of him! Walter is acting like Rudy is NEVER coming back or like he can't go visit him in LA. 

We need to put this family in some grammar lessons!!! Walter: "I just come home." Lawd, please help them! Toya: "Rudy have to live his life." They don't have any knowledge of subject-verb agreement WHATSOEVER!!!

Has anyone read Toya's book, Priceless Inspirations? I haven't. I do have one her book paperback? *insert side-eye* Toya, what's deeper about your life? You did get pregnant in middle school. You did marry a rapper. What else? You did end up lucky! 

On the next episdoe, Tiny returns! Toya wants to produce a music video for Walter. They go to counseling. Can't wait!!!