Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Prison Wives Club, Episode 4

Prison Wives Club, “Friendly Fire” – 11/18/14
I still like Kate the most. But I can see her friendship with Rome is going to get her in trouble with her husband. Idk how much trouble one can get into with their significant other and he is locked up behind bars. I mean if anything, she’s saving money (Skypes on, gas for visits, etc.)
Kate has been trying to take over the Prison Wives Club. She’s calling meetings and whatnot, without the ringleader (LaQuisha) being present. Where I can see this coming from a good place and I’m sure this support group is needed because there are a lot of “ride or die” women out there supporting their men behind bars (I am not one of them). But it didn’t bode over well with LaQuisha. At the meeting, Kate was going over ideas and her BFF Jhemini shot down each one. Why did you drive an hour and a half and waste your gas and time to not even be supportive? Just don’t come if you don’t want to help or if your help is half-assed..
LaQuisha and Kate took Drea (whose brother is in prison, for the same crime at Jhemini’s husband…). And it was really sweet because Drea had not been to see her brother in prison for 3 years since his sentencing. They drove her up there and waited. I guess, this is what the show is all about. Supporting prison wives/family members.
So Ana went to visit her husband and he “forgot” his ID, so they couldn’t go into the public visitation area. This meant they had to go into a room where there’s a glass wall. I’m assuming this is where they have the phones and they can touch the wall and pretend to match handprints. You like they do in hood movies? I think Yvette had a dream doing this with Jody in Baby Boy.
But instead, they decided to show each other their “private parts.” He measured his penis with a piece of paper so she could tell how long it was. I mean come on! I can’t make this up. That is sooooo juvenile. I haven’t gotten a d*ck picture next to a ruler like that since I was 15 and still using AIM. Like imagine if a guard came in. I’m sure there are cameras. I bet the COs were having a field day laughing that this prison porn.
This woman is soooooo concerned with her family not knowing about her decisions to marry a man in prison but she’s on a reality TV show. So no one in her family watches the Lifetime channel? I’m sure someone will find out. She’s so concerned with her privacy and giving out her address when camera crews are following her, her car, showing her apartment, etc. I mean why even join the show? Oh that’s right – she’s trying to boost her “modeling career.”
She invited Ana and Quisha out to dinner to get to know her. I guess they thought it was more of “let’s all share about our lives” type of deal. But no, she rambled on and on about herself, her modeling career and her husband who’s in prison for assault. By the way, if you’re counting – this is the 4thepisode and the 4th time he walked off a Jpay visit that she’s paying for. Her husband called her out on being ashamed of her marriage to a man in prison. He’s right. She’s ashamed, but then she’s on a show chronicling her life about it….
The ladies were trying to start a Facebook page about their stories and whatnot. And put their contact information on there so women could reach out to them. This dummy said she would call them from a blocked number and tell them what to bring for their EVFs (conjugal visits). I mean how supportive is that? I just can’t with this woman. She keeps bringing up that people are in prison for murder. Umm.. newsflash lady – the only difference is that the man your husband shot, didn’t die. That’s it!!! I wish she get a grip and realize that she is just like every one of the other wives on this show. You’re husband still wears an orange jumpsuit and is assigned a 6 or 8 digit number. Don’t get it twisted. 

Check back next week for recaps! RHOA will be posted on Tuesdays and PWC will be posted on Thursdays. 


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Prison Wives Club, Episode 3

Prison Wives Club, Episode 3 - "No babies behind bars" 


She is my favorite!!! I love how rational and logical she is. She and her husband are discussing the topic of having children. She's 25, which is the prime age to have children - especially if you are married and stable. However, Kate's husband is in prison, which is not the ideal situation. And I am so glad Kate realizes that. It's pretty selfish of you to have a baby just because you want one. Your child won't have their father in their life, just because you want to post selfies with your growing belly with the caption of "the reason I breathe" or "my world" - that's not okay. 


Nothing really interesting happened with Quisha this episode. Besides her husband asking her how much money she spent at the strip club. Like sir, you have no income. Why are you worried about how much she spends. Ohhh that's right - any extra money she spends in the strip club is less money to put on your books for honey buns. How could I forget??? 


Can Dr. Phil or Oprah or Iyanla come and help this woman. I mean she is just sooooooo desperate to be loved. She is so in love with her murderer of a husband. She was scrap booking emails they sent to each other. One said, "Love is a drug and I'm addicted to you." Do they have tumblr in prison? I mean seriously where did he find that?! 

Then the woman he works two minimum wage jobs goes to a boutique to find a wedding dress. The sales associate got the total down to just under $1000 - which is still a lot when you have to pay $6 to send an email and put money on your husbands books for cigarettes and honey buns. She needs to take her azz down to the $99 sale at David's Bridal and keep it moving. I mean be realistic. Your two minimum wage jobs are going to have to support you and your husband until he finds a job. Who is going to hire a man who has been in jail for 27 years? 


This heffa... She is such a judgmental hypocrite. She is convinced her husband is in prison for feeding the homeless. I mean like can someone shake her to make her realize that he's in prison for assault?! She made a comment about Kate offering a ride to another PWC member to jail to visit her twin brother. "Why is she offering her a ride? She doesn't know her. I wouldn't let someone in my car who knows someone who's incarcerated." Umm... Lady what planet are you on?! Your husband is in prison. Then she made a comment about Kate kissing one of the female strippers. If her husband is okay with it, then that should be none of your concern. That's the problem with folks these days; always worrying about what goes on in other people's relationships. Worry about how your husband has walked off two J-pay visits that you paid for. I just can't with this woman. She says Kate is cheating on her husband when she went to lunch with her photographer so he could show her the head shots for her modeling career. He doesn't have an office? Like yall had to have lunch? To me, that's cheating because I'm sure you didn't pay for your food. Why is she so obsessed with hating Kate??? Calm down boo...

All of this is too much to worry about. I'm not about to let a man control me who is told when he can go outside to wait in line to bench press a bar. Like I can't live like that. 

Tune in for next week's post! 


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Bye Bye & Bon Voyage

Bye Bye & Bon Voyage, RHOA Episode 1

So I've finally been able to digest Sunday's episode. There was sooooo much drama and judging by the preview of the season, even more to come! 

Nene - 

yesssss!!!! I have always loved Nene! Even the season when she was the villain and was always in a funky mood because of her marital problems. But you cannot lie. Nene is doing the damn thing! She is everywhere. Prime time TV, Las Vegas Zumanity, reality TV, clothing lines. She really is a "mogul." 


She's just sooooo dramatic. She's like the women who think they can hit on a man then expect him NOT to retaliate. If you come up on me, then be prepared for an repercussions. Now, I will say this. Porsha should have let Kenya hit her first then best her ass. 

It's really sad that her only friend is Cynthia. And the only thing they have in common is talking about Nene and Porsha. That shouldn't be the base of your friendship with someone. 

Cynthia - 

Why does she even have a peach? We are sick of hearing about her financial problems and Bar One and Peter asking her for money. It's been 3 years. Is there nothing else going on? 

Why did Cynthia get her face tightened? She can barely fix her mouth to say that Nene was causing problems in her marriage. 


What can I say? The true Southern Belle. She has handled this entire situation with as most dignity and class that you can exude during a tough time like this. I agree 100% with Phaedra. If this was my husband's second time committing mail, wire and bank fraud - then I would be no where near the courthouse. Apollo is all concerned about loving on his wife and playing with his children NOW. Where were these thoughts when you were scheming and cheating the federal government? Why do people think they can lie and cheat and get over on the federal government? He keeps on mentioning that she needed to stand by her.. The same woman he treated like a dog numerous times on the show during the last 4 years? Enough is enough. If I was Phaedra, divorce papers would have been served to him as soon as the sentencing was over. One of my FB friends said she would have changed the locks!!! Then he was flabbergasted when he said he wanted a divorce and she said, "Well, bye-bye." Sir, clearly you have put your own selfish needs before your family. Now she needs to do what she sees fit. And yes,  I'm pretty sure they only got married because she was pregnant and I'm sure she thought he would change after they were married and the kids came. She's so different than lots of our friends and associates, but her situation is brocades fed for all to see. 


I have to say, I agree 100% with Todd. My parents afforded me with plenty opportunities but also kept me grounded. My first car was 1994 Honda (I can't remember if it was a Civic or an Accord). But the air barely worked, I had no radio and the windows were manual. I even had to lock my door from the passenger side. But I had a car!!! None of my friends did. Just because your parent makes millions, doesn't mean your first car should be a Range Rover. That builds up entitlement and affluenza. If your first car is a Range Rover, where do you go from? Eventually you WILL have to come up from under your parents money. 

Kandi and Todd are putt between a rock and a hard place. Apollo and Phaedra were both in their wedding. So I can kind of see Todd's stance and I agree with Kandi for being loyal to her friend. I do not agree with Kandi stating that the courts are harsh with sentencing black men. While this may be true in some cities, if you know the courts are harsh. WHY COMMIT THE CRIMES? Then, this is Apollo's second time getting caught. You'd think he would have learned the first time. 

Well, I hope you guys enjoyed this week's episode recap. I hope you all will check back for next week's post!  


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Prison Wives Club, Episode 2

Episode 2: Aren't you scared? 

How did you all like last week's episode? From my last post, a few people have told me that they started watching the show because of my post! That made me smile. 

On this episode, we learn more about the four ladies and how they deal with living and coping while having a husband in prison. 

Jhemini - this woman is nuts. She's convinced her husband is in federal prison for a white collar crime like insider trading and bank fraud. Instead, her husband is in jail for AGGRAVATED ASSAULT. She's always like, "My husband is in jail for assault. How can these women me married to men who committed murder?" 

On last week's episode, she lost her wedding ring while she was hiding it from her family (doesn't that always seem to happen LOL?). She's always mentioning how she has prestigious family members. Are you ashamed that your husband committed aggravated assault? 

While she's Skyping him on, he mentions "We gonna have to get you a new ring." Umm... With what money? The money she puts on your books? So she's buying her own ring? That's like when you were little and your mama gave your money to buy her a Mother's Day gift from you. Do they even sell diamond wedding rings at the commissary? How many stamps is that equivalent to? I mean I just want to know... 

Kate - she's kind of my favorite right now. She's down to earth and pretty cool. The most rational on out of the bunch. I guess as rational as you can be married to a man who's in prison. She puts Jhemini in her place and I like that. I don't even think I could be friends with Jhemini. Her voice is annoying. But Kate really loves her husband. And Carlo seems to have his head on his shoulders. Just kind of the wrong place/wrong time type deal. 

LaQuisha - she's having child support issues with her ex-husband. So of course, she tells her husband in prison - who has no job, who can do nothing to fix the situation and riles him up. But I can see where her husband is coming from. 

I mean how do you quit your job to finish your Associates? Not your PhD, MD, JD or even Masters... It's 2014, people work and go to school all the time. Then her husband said, "We not using the money (child support) to go to Red Lobster." I'll leave that right there. 

Her husband wants to have a threesome. I mean I guess sex is all the guys in prison have to talk about. But where are his priorities? You haven't had sex with him as your husband yet and he wants to bring another woman in the bedroom. Umm.. 

Ana - where is Iyanla? Poor thing. She has serious self esteem issues. It's so obvious. I hope the producers are paying for her to see somebody. Anybody in their right mind who is 29 years old and marries her prison pen pal who has been in jail for 27 years has some serious mental, abandonment issues. Then she had the nerve to get mad at someone was asking probing questions about her situation. "I mean I guess my situation is interesting to some people." Uh yeah it is. You are on a reality show which is about your life as a prison wife. She also commented "I love my man's control and what he has to offer." He probably doesn't even make $1 per hour and you pay to email and Skype him, gas and time to travel to see him. What can he offer you? Of course he can offer you stability - he's been sentenced to life in prison. He ain't going nowhere anytime soon. I just couldn't let a man who's in prison control anything about me. I don't let any man who's free control me. 

I just couldn't be a "Prison Wife" - yeah I could handle it if my man was in the Army serving our country. But in the penitentiary serving time, no that's not for me. Spending my time and money skyping on with a grainy screen and delayed sounds. Especially if you knew your husband was going to be in jail. If yall meet, get married and he goes to jail - then I could kind of see standing by him (For better or worst, right?) but if you met him on and then marry him - then you are a dumb ass fool. Tune in for next weeks episode on Lifetime at 9pm on Tuesday! 


Sunday, November 2, 2014

Hollywood Divas, 10/29/14

I asked my Facebook friends which reality shows they wanted me to blog about and few of them requested Hollywood Divas. I've seen a lot of promo about this show. It's produced by Kandi Burruss' husband, Todd Tucker and I follow them both on Instagram - so I was seeing them post about it and even more so when it premiered and the Countess Vaughn memes starting appearing. 

I've always wanted to watch it but on Wednesdays, I watch ABC (The Middle, The Goldbergs, Black-ish, Modern Family) - so naturally I set my DVR to watch Hollywood Divas at a later day but never did. So when everyone requested me to blog on this show, I decided to clear our my DVR and watch the shows. 

All of these women, I've watched at some point in my life. Golden, I watched on Girlfriends; Paula Jai Parker, I remember her voice on The Proud Family and the infamous line on Friday, "You ain't got to lie Craig!" Countess, omgggg I loved her on The Parkers; Elise on the The Hughleys and Lisa Wu who got fired from RHOA

Maybe I should have started from the first episode but I started from the most recent, which was a horrible mistake. 

The main focus on this episode was Paula and her bright idea of having each girl on show play "a witch" - TF?! The man she went to pitch the idea to was right. Black people don't want to see that mess. You always see black kids throwing tantrums when they have their birthday parties at Chucky Cheese. They grow into adults who are afraid of the Chucky doll and clowns. I'm not afraid of either but I don't want to see that. I'm glad he told her it was a horrible idea. The ladies were all upset with the roles Paula gave them. I mean I would be too. Everyone else is chopped liver while she got a scholarship to Yale. And I f this is all about black female empowerment, why not get a scholarship to an elite HBCU? Southern University, Spelman, Howard? 

I really didn't understand the whole Elise/Golden dance show thing? Like what's the point? Like is it a charity event? Just for fun? This probably was featured on the first episode. Then I was confused as to why Elise would pick Golden uncoordinated ass to dance. I mean are yall really BFF? If my friend wanted to be on my dance show and she couldn't, trust and believe she would not be on my show.

My favorite on the show is Countess. I loved her on The Parkers.  And I guess I identify with her more because she is considered "plus sized." I felt some type of way when Elise took a Golden shopping so she could wear something to the dance show. Like that's Slap In The Face #1, that's rude. Countess is a grown ass woman. She can dress herself. Slap In The Face #2, the boutique had mawmaw clothes. I wear size 20-22 and I would not wear anything out of that boutique. Everything was flowy, had a wraparound belt and/or had too many patterns. Slap In The Face #3, EVERYTHING that Countess tried on, Elise LOVED. And then she wanted to accessorize with gold and a belt. I would feel some type of way if any of my friends took me shopping to a place like that. Now if you took me to a Roberto Cavalli or Oscar de la Renta boutique, I would have no problems. 

And.. Just like on RHOA, Lisa had no storyline. I don't even think she had a segment dedicated to just her. I liked Lisa on RHOA, but she was boring. She didn't deserve a peach. She would be a good extra friend, like Marlo or somebody. 

I said this blog would be short because I couldn't get into it. But after typing all of this, I guess I will be tuning in on Wednesday. 


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Prison Wives Club, Episode 1

Episode 1: Some Raggedy Prison Wife

So last night, Lifetime aired a new series - Prison Wives Club. I guess I've been spoiled by watching the "Real Housewives" franchise on Bravo because I was shocked to hear there was such a show. I mean really? Prison Wives Club? I'm not one to put myself on a pedestal but I'm sorry if my husband goes to jail... I'm pulling a "Phaedra" and will be divorcing his ass. He obviously didn't think about his family before he committed whatever heinous act, so why should I put my life on hold and wait for you? 

So there are four women who were introduced on last nights episode: Jhemini, Kate, Ana and LaQuisha. Their husbands are in prison with sentences ranging from 10 years to 60 years. 

Jhemini - this woman is under the impression that because her husband is in prison for aggravated assault that she's better than the women whose husbands are in prison for murder. Lady, just because he didn't kill the man doesn't make it better. Even at the Prison Support group meeting, she walked out because she has this sense of arrogance about her. However, she married her  husband knowing he had a 10 year prison sentence to complete. That's just dumb. Now she spends one weekend a month driving to the prison for one night with her husband. Her family doesn't know she's married let alone to a man who is in prison. So she didn't wear her ring when she visited them and of course she lost it. And of course she had to tell her husband. Well he got mad when she told him and hung up the phone. WTF?!?! I'm paying for this call and you hang up on me but will be calling back soon to put money on your books.  I just can't live like that. 

Kate - she's pretty down to earth. Her husband is in jail for assault as well. She got a tattoo coverup during her opening scene to remove the name of the Car Club she and her husband were apart of. Let me just say that was the shittiest coverup I have seen ever in my life. I have 8 tattoos and I follow a few famous tattoo artists on Instagram. The artist didn't even blend it. Just kind of drew over it. It looks like a big ass blob when it should be a dream catcher. You could still read the words, "Family Ties." I really didn't pay that much attention to her after that. I was just mad at her and her tattoo artist. 

Ana - this dummy. It's obvious this girl has self esteem issues. Anytime you let a man who you meet on was convicted of a life sentence at 15 years old, been in prison almost as long as you have been alive control what pants you choose to wear, you have some issues. She's 29 years old and her husband has been in prison for 27 years. She's also lying to her parents telling them that her husband is a prison guard. So now she's living with her two gay BFFs to save money because a new law passed that anyone convicted of a harsh sentence under age 18 and served 25 years can be released. That is just dumb. See, I know there will be problems in marriage. But you don't need to go into the marriage creating problems.. Like dating a killer.

LaQuisha - she seems like she has sense. She was married before to what seems like a "good man," has child, has a friend that thinks she's wasting her life being married to a man who was originally sentenced to 75 years (his sentence was reduced to 60 years and he will be released in 2060 - I will be 70 years old, God's will). They've been married about 14 months and he's been "down" for 13 years. He sent her a Facebook message and now they are married. Now she spends 30 minutes twice a week paying God knows how much to talk to her husband on and her weekends bringing her daughter to see her husband in jail. So of course y'all know I had to research this J-pay. I looked up Dixon Correctional Institute in Jackson, LA. The price varies per state, prison, etc. However, for this prison - it costs about $6 to send a one page email. AN EMAIL!!!!!!!!!!! Google and Yahoo email accounts are free. I'm not paying to talk or email ANYBODY. This is 2014. Long distance calls are no more. You shouldn't have to pay to talk to people. That's just dumb to me. 

So all in all, this seems like it will be filled with mess, drama and messy woman - which is perfect for a reality show. Check back for next week's recap. 


I'm baaaaaaackkkkkk!!!!!

I can't believe it's been almost 3 years since I last blogged. That was WAYYY too long. I promise to never go that long again. Plus, I am pretty sure that my Facebook friends were tired of my multiple status updates during the shows I watch. Be on the lookout for blogs from different reality shows. I'm excited to finally start this up again. So with that being said, I'm back! 
