Tuesday, December 13, 2011

RHOA - Law by Sheree


First off, why is Bob reducing his child support on something that he's NEVER paid. But, that's what you get when you marry for money and not love.

Phaedra hit Sheree's situation ON THE HEAD WITH A NAIL!!! Why would you buy a Porsche when you're complaining about back child support? Who wears Chanel, Dolce & Gabbana to court to complain about $3,000 worth of child support? What judge is going to take you seriously when you are begging for money but wearing Louboutins, Chanel, etc.? I mean how do you not grasp that concept? Whatever happend to a nice skirt or pant suit? Then she has THE NERVE to say how the Atlanta Court System is rigged to be against women! That MAY be true, but don't feed into the stereotype by wearing all these designer clothes and begging for money.

Why Sheree don't wanna take her ex to court? Make your paper boo boo! Sheree feels as if Bob is taking "advantage" of her. Well......what was she doing when she was marrying him for money? Because he sure ain't no looker. I'm sorry, call me superficial or whatever but if you have lazy eye, I don't know how long our relationship could work out. I'd be too busy figuring out which eye to look at instead of getting to know who you really are.

So, Bob is representing himself? Hmmm....He must can't afford a stylist or a suit either with this wrinkled ass shirt he has on, with NO undershirt on. Oooh CONTEMPT, I did my research paper on that. Now don't ask me anything on it (don't worry, I got a B). Wait, so Bob wants furniture. I guess since he's only making $3,000 a month, he needs furniture for himself? No..

Did Bob just poke his tongue out as if he were saying "nanny nanny boo boo" and run off like a little child? I hope the judge sees this and raises his child support. That was TOTALLY uncalled for.


Uh oh! Look at Kandi upgrading her bidness!

Charles Grant is keeping it real. "I don't believe in having Louboutin's and Gucci but riding around in a Honda Civic." That doesn't make sense to me either. Priorities people!!! At one point, didn't he play for the Saints? I think I remember his name..

But Charles said, "mens" - is that a word? I mean I know you say "Men's Restroom" but you don't say, "You can't judge us mens" - like that doesn't make sense. I'm really big on grammar, like if you have horrible grammar 1) expect to be corrected or 2) just don't talk around me.

Kandi needs to take her daughter, Riley running or bike riding or to a dance aerobics class or something because Riley is chubby. I know I'm not the skinniest person, but in my defense - I didn't "blow up" until I was about 11 or 12. Riley is 9 and her mom is rich. My parents were not. She can afford to get her a trainer or something. Well, we did do this Pennington Weight Loss study and I gained weight, so that was a #FAIL. But this isn't about me, Riley needs more than a hula hoop. And while you're at it Kandi, make Kim's daughter come too!


Kim never uses the proper terms for private parts. When I was a child, my mother scolded my brother and I for saying "wee wee" and "cat" and "pee pee" and "poo poo" - we had to say "penis, vagina, urinate and defecate." So yes, people made fun of us for being 5 years old saying, "Mommy, I have to defecate." But we know the proper terms for words. I'm pretty sure Brielle, Ariana and now Baby KJ don't know the proper terms because their mother spoke "baby" to them.

Every time I look at Kim's father, I think about how he pratically BEGGED Phaedra for a job! LMBO!!! Kim doesn't seem suitable to be a parent. She doesn't change his diapers. She's afraid of his "wee wee." She doesn't clean up after her dog. All she does is breastfeed. I mean I know childbirth is a process and you need to heal, but GOT DAMN - what else do you have to do all day. You have no job. Kroy is in NFL and even though they were in the Lockout - he still had to train to get right for when the season started. Smh!!!


Ohhhh Cynthia and NeNe are "thrifting." I want to go SO BADLY! And NeNe is so saditty, "Miss I Don't Wear Clothes Other People Wear" - okay, so how do you know clothes that you've tried on other people haven't worn? I digress.


Phaedra needs to keep doing her job and Sheree needs to keep her day job (which is nothing). She went to school for this, you just watching Law & Order and trying to be Gloria Allred. It ain't gone work boo boo.

Sidebar - Bravo needs to do a better job of these add-in voices because I watch enough reality TV to know when something was added in for more dramatic/comedic effect. Just saying...

Sunday, December 11, 2011

RHOA: Three Wigs And a Baby

Sooooo....why does Kim need all that to go have a baby? A wig, a blowdryer, etc. What happened to a baby bag and a gown? Oh look, there goes Kim's flunky, I mean Sweetie. I wonder what Kim looks like without her wig - I bet she has hair, but just doesn't know what to do with it...

Oooh, I didn't know that Kim had pre-ecclampsia. That's serious. The Duggar lady had the same thing and her baby almost died. This is serious.

Let me just say this, Cynthia is a high-fashion model. Why does she ALWAYS seem to have a hair crisis? Like this ponytail attached to her head, doesn't even LOOK real.

I'm confused. Sheree keeps bitching about child support not being paid but yet she's building Chateau Sheree. That doesn't make any sense. PRIORITIES PLEASE!!! I understand that she may have money for herself, but she's acting like she has NO MONEY and can't support her kids without his child support. FYI - child support DOES NOT EQUAL quality time with your children.

I'll just say this, if my ex hasn't paid child support but is able and can afford it - he won't be seeing his child(ren). Does this make me a bitter black woman?

I never knew Russell Simmons and Cynthia Bailey dated. Hmm...NeNe is right. He does like them young because Kimora was young and so is his current girlfriend. NeNe may be interested in John as well since she had to go change clothes...smh! 

Phaedra's hair in this confessional when she's in this blue outfit is ON POINT! Damn...Judge gave him a fine of $1,068 and 6 months probation for ONE ounce of weed?! That's A LOT!!! I'm getting my windows tinted for Christmas (well it's on my list) I hope the people don't tint mine that dark. I can't afford all them fines!

Russell is using this as an oppourtunity because no one knows about this damn book. Who sits in an office with 1908 books on his desk when cameras mysteriously walk into your office? But he's on TV and I'm not - I'm trying to get where he is so I digress...

If it was 20 years ago, 20 minutes ago - YOU STILL CHEATED!!! Smh! Niggas will never understand this.

Cynthia just had to say "Don't be disrespectful" because she know Peter is from the islands and is crazy and will whip somebody ass...just think about if the Peter/Apollo situation had escalated.

Y'all every noticed how Kim never says Kroy's name. It's either "babe" or "love" - I hope I don't become that person...well when I get a man LMBO!

Why did Kim lie to the nurse when she asked if she was a cigarette smoker? Well I mean, not now, but she has chain smoked. Lying through her damn teeth, she could have at least mentioned that, but it's not my baby.

I love Mama Joyce! "Well I put it on at home and complimented myself" - too funny! Ah Ah! For Mama Joyce to be posing on top of that car like that! LMBO! Omg I CAN NOT DEAL!

See this is what I don't like. Why Sheree can't go in another and talk to her mama on speakerphone about this child support mess? No, she has to speak on the phone with her son in the room. I know from experience that that boy heard EVERY WORD that his mama said. Parents don't know when to separate themselves.

But about Sheree wanting Bob to pay her utilities...is he paying SPOUSAL support? Or CHILD support? Because there IS a difference. Pay your own damn bills Sheree and let him supplement what you do, you shouldn't depend on it. He hasn't paid in 4 years, what make you think he gonna just up and pay now? Live within your means and you won't be having to have these conversations.

But I'm PRETTY sure Bob is making more than $3,000 a month. That's $36,000 a year. He made MILLIONS in the NFL and now he just making $36K? I find that hard to believe. *puts finger on chin and hmmmmms*

Wait, this is the John that NeNe is talking about. o_O - OHHH...OKAY! Smh! He doesn't look that good with money. This dinner is making me awkward, so I can only imagine how NeNe feels. One question, how you have someone serenaded in a different language, well other than French or Spanish? That doesn't make sense...

Aw man, I was expecting some jewelry when I saw that blue box...not a pen. I'm disappointed. Moving on...

Cynthia's friend, Kithe looks amazing! Weight loss is a beautiful thing. I want a gay friend, oh wait - I may have one...

Cynthia needs to stop letting people know that she's not happy in her marriage. This is not the first time this season that she's let on that she's not happy with Peter and being married to him. At least, she didn't pull a Kim K and divorce him after 72 days.

Cynthia is going to end up resenting Peter because she left New York FOR Peter. That's not good...

Kim's children are annoying me. LMBO! I bet she's like "Y'all need to leave because y'all pissing me off" - too much! Look she just did, "Why don't y'all go get something to eat?" and her poor daughter couldn't take the hint, "But I'm not hungry..."

I've never had a child so I can't say how the pain should feel but I don't think that all that cussing was necessary. Bite a pillow and keep it moving, but like I said - I've never had a child so I don't know how it feels.

AWWWW the baby!!! I'm happy she didn't say "EWW..." like Phaedra did when she first saw her son. Kim said her son breastfeeds, he's only an hour old. My friend lied to me. She told me that milk ducts don't open until a few days after the baby is born. I knew that was a lie, because my cousin had her baby in the backseat of her car and was breastfeeding when the EMS came.

Can't wait for next episode on Tuesday: lots of laughs and cries!

Sorry it's been a while...

Hey guys! Sorry it's been a while. I've been REALLY busy since my last blog. Hard classes, becoming a woman of Alpha Kappa Alpha, bonding with my line sisters & prophytes, baby-sitting, work, baking, you name it! But now that Fall 2011 is over, I will be blogging A LOT more! And next semester, I promise to blog throughout the semester.

Stay tuned for my blog on RHOA tonight. Can't wait to see what drama happens tonight!