Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Braxton Family Values: Season Finale

This blog is kind of hard for me to write because from experience, I do not like cheaters. I HAVE NO TOLERANCE FOR THEM! I DO NOT RESPECT THEM! I LOATHE THEM! How hard is it to leave the person you're with to be with the other person? That's just selfish! I can't deal. Here goes...

So the girls are still upset about Daddy Cheater not coming to the dinner? Get over it! Maybe I'm being kind of harsh since Scrooge (my daddy) made me mad. However, that e-mail/text message that he sent was too much. He left the family for another woman, got married 30 days after the divorce was final and wants to know why bringing up his name causes so much drama.

I don't feel that Traci should be the one to have to call Daddy Cheater just because they talk more. He didn't show up to the dinner, what makes you think that he will answer the phone? He's not!

I wish the sisters hurry up and decide whether or not they can/will do the Braxton's Album. I mean Toni could use the money. She's out buying/leasing houses in LA but just declared bankruptcy, and is going to be picky about when she starts her career. This album means a lot to Traci. She had to leave the first album because she got pregnant, let her sing dammit!

YAY! Daddy Cheater is going to come to Atlanta. That's odd. He didn't show up to a restaurant in Murriland but wants to fly out to Atlanta. Daddy Cheater didn't show up because he went to church? Well, I'll let that slide, maybe he's reading the Ten Commandments (especially the one about THOU SHALT NOT COMMIT ADULTERY)! But I digress...

Towanda and Andre need to get divorced. They are just living together for the kids. WHAT?! That makes no sense. Y'all live in two different bedrooms. That can't be healthy for the kids! Who wants two parents living in two different rooms? Towanda still loves Andre because of the way that she defended him. Tamar, Andre is not a baby-sitter. He's just a "house-spouse" or a "stay-at-home dad." But I mean, since the kids are in school, he could get a job to work while they are in school...I'm just saying. A good father IS a provider. BUT Towanda is still in love with him. It's hard to not be in love with someone while being with them for a long time.

Okay, who is the divorce lawyer? Is he Dr. Phil? Is he Oprah? Like wth sir? No sir, she doesn't want to think about it! They've been living in separate bedrooms for a while now! She didn't even kiss him good-bye when she left for Russia!

I'm happy for Traci! She needs to move down to Atlanta! Kevin Sr is doing the most. Traci needs to be happy for once. I know one damn thing, I ain't giving up anything just because I have a child. My baby will be right there with me! She deserves this second chance because she's been crying about not being able to sing with her sisters all season.

Time for the dinner with Daddy Cheater and Mommy Evelyn! Okay, what is on Tamar's head? It looks like a cheap lacefront, sorry girl. That is hit.com! Yay! Daddy Cheater showed up! These sisters need to find something else to help them ease their mind besides alcohol. Daddy Cheater is wrong for not interacting with his children. His grandkids don't even know him. Grandkids are supposed to be spoiled by grandparents, not not know who the hell they are!

Here Tamar gvoes starting mess. Everyone knows Daddy Cheater cheated on Mommy Evelyn. I don't blame her for leaving. If my husband cheats on me, he can pack his bags and get to stepping. OMG! Did Daddy Cheater just call Mommy Evelyn "a dirty lie" - not a clean lie, or a bold-face lie but a DIRTY LIE! Daddy Cheater is doing the most telling the girls that their mom is controlling their life. He gave that up when he kept that affair going for nine years!

Sidebar: does the whole family wear lacefronts? Okay back to the episode...

Daddy Cheater is too old to be getting his ears pierced. Alright! Mommy Evelyn for telling him that he is going to hell! Well, if he didn't repent, then he is! So Daddy Cheater cheated because the kids were gone? OMG! This man is doing the most! I can't take him! I'm putting my hand up with a HALT because his new wife's name is Wanda. She sound like a homewrecker. Daddy Cheater, I'm pretty sure Mommy Evelyn filed for divorce since she was cheated ON!

Of course, they have to talk about it again. Nonsense. I do agree with Traci. It is between the parents, but since everyone is grown and the children know what's going on.

For Andre to say "That's fine" all nonchalant and whatnot is just the most. He didn't even react. I'm sure he expected it, ya know since they live in separate bedrooms and whatnot. Aw, the kids like Andre better than Towanda - well of course! She's working and he's a house spouse. Kids are like dogs. They'll like whoever feeds them and plays with them. They also hug you after you discipline them. I don't believe that Andre is "fighting for his family" - he needs to get a job! And how does Toni that Andre is fighting. I'm sorry, my sister does not need to be talking to my husband/roommate about anything unless it's where to pick up the kids if I'm unavailable. That's kinda shady! Hmm.....

Toni is being really selfish for being "featured" on the album and not doing it all. Traci is only moving to Atlanta IF the Braxton's Album comes out. Tamar is being just as selfish for not participating. Traci needs/wants/deserves another chance to showcase her talent. What's one reason y'all don't want to do it? Toni, you need the money and Tamar's solo career hasn't taken off. So she can go on and "do-wop-pop-bop" with the rest of her sisters. Let Traci sing dammit!

Oh no! For this man to be crying in marriage counseling because he had to quit seeing Wanda, I can't deal. I have one question, where are the grandkids? Are they hearing all this? They should have done this at home. Why black folks always gotta go somewhere to argue? Maury, Reality TV shows, etc. - do that at home! For Daddy Cheater to say that Wanda was his lover and friend for 10 years. This man is doing the most! I can't deal!

So Traci is moving to Atlanta and Toni is moving LA. How does Toni recruit Towanda to move to LA? This is not good. Traci must be the middle child because she always gets left behind. Poor Traci.

I'm sorry Tamar, that pitch was not perfect. I'm no Randy Jackson but....it's just not working dawg. Toni needs to show up! She needs to be the oldest and take charge and take a sacrifice for her sisters! Traci does not need to take 10 deep breaths! Y'all need to convince Toni to do the damn thing! Poor Traci! Her last chance just slipped right out of her hands!

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