Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Toya: A Family Affair - Things are Looking Up

Okay great! So this was filmed during the summer! I thought that Toya was just not letting Reginae be in school. She never mentions school or anything. I just thought she wasn't in school. Reginae gave Toya her permission to marry Memphis, I think it's good for her to like the person her mother is with. 

So Walter is performing his music now? Looked like the crowd enjoyed the music. I really didn't. To each his own. 

Here Rudy and Walter go with this "my mama" business. "You talked to my 'my mama'?" Like um, for real - y'all both came up out the same crack-addicted coot. "Mama" will suffice. 

I agree with Toya. Meeting the mother of the person you care about is really hard. Because she cared for him all of his life and you are essentially "taking away her baby." 

It's obvious that Memphis is about to propose to Toya. Inviting the family down to NOLA and "telling them what I'm up to." Plus it's all over their Twitter and pictures of Toya's wedding have leaked on MediaTakeOut. Her ex-husband's baby mamas attended (I'll comment on that in another blog. 

I'm glad Rudy finally got a job. Although, he needs to get his work ethic up because he wanted to call his boss at 9 or 10 am. BossMan told Rudy to call at 6:45 - early bird gets the worm! Toya wants Rudy to get his GED. What about his diploma? Is he too old for that? Is there an age limit on getting a diploma. 

Why can't Memphis get it out about him wanting to marry Toya? I hate when guys get in a relationship or marry someone because "I don't want her with no one else" - wtf that makes NO sense! 

I agree with Memphis' (gay brother) who said it's no point in just living with someone. That makes NO sense either. I know one thing, Breanna Jalise Paul is not moving in with anyone unless my dress has been bought and altered, we've gone through marriage counseling, the church is booked and invitations have been sent out. That's how you get caught and trapped with 2 kids and no wedding ring. 

Sidebar: I have to say - this episode is really boring. Maybe because Walter hasn't been on it that much. Everything is happy. Where is the drama?! 

Memphis is complaining about  $1.4 million ring. Isn't the rule that you are supposed to spend 3-months salary on the ring? I thought Memphis was rich? No..... 

Memphis said his sister works in "surgery" - turns out she just hands instruments...I don't think I would have shared that! Is it just me or do they have some LARGE ASS families? Smh this is just too much!!!  

Memphis reminds me of my country uncle who keeps a thing toothpicks on his belt buckle like a phone case and keeps one either in the corner of his mouth or in his ear. That is so country. Smh! 

I'm ready for the next episode already! This episode was really BOR-RINGGGGGGGGG!!! Nita comes home from rehab! Hopefully that will bring some drama! 

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