Wednesday, June 1, 2011

RHONJ - Sealed with a Diss

This episode was alot calmer than the last two! Where's the drama Bravo?

We start out with Kathy talking to her husband Rich. She is so messy, like why can't you tend your two children and husband? You call yourself Teresa's "true cousin" but in your confessionals all your do is slander her! Make up your mind, which is it?! How obvious is it that Kathy wants to be BFF with Caroline? I mean who goes to someone else's house and tries to make nice knowing that it won't work? Let's get one thing straight, Teresa didn't blow your chance at a great first impression with Caroline - YOU DID! If she's your "true cousin" then you would have made plans outside of the Posche Fashion to meet with her to talk to her about her unattended baby girl Audriana!

I'm glad Teresa is making money for her family! The saying is true, "If you want something done, let a woman do it!" FYI Teresa, the word is "ingredients" - it's already plural. It's okay baby!

Joe Giudice is making things worse for "Tre" with Joey Gorga. I mean just put on a happy face when your around him. You don't have to be brothers with him. Make nice for your wife. Didn't you say, "Happy wife, happy life."?

When Joey got mad at Melissa for not having a sex everyday, I wanted to take the hat they put on Gino and slap him with it.  I wish my future husband would! Boy boom! He acts like he doesn't have a hand and some porn! Maybe if he listened to his wife and carressed her, then just maybe he would get some nookey!

Once again, how messy is Kathy? Melissa stated that Kathy wanted Teresa to apologize to Melissa. Why is Kathy worried? Shouldn't she be worried about taking care of unattended children?

When Jacqueline went to Psychic Tia, it made me want to go one. I mean I just want to go for fun and see what they say! Maybe I'll make a Girl's Night?

When Caroline's boys moved in, I thought it was nice how everyone helped. And I'm with ya on that one, "I'm supervising." When we moved into our house, I didn't move hardly anything! I just made sure that all my stuff got transferred from the old house to the new house. Jacqueline is a cool aunt! My aunt would probably be me a stripper pole or a mirror for my bed room! But I highly DOUBT that my mama would carry it/help install it! Haha! White people too close!

The Manzo boys and their "mister" truly do have a bachelor pad. Champagne in Dixie cups? That's something my uncles do! And about Lauren and Vito moving in - when are they going to get engaged? They've been dating since BEFORE the show started, where is the ring? You becoming too available Lauren.

Jacqueline's parents came to visit. While Jacqueline and her dad were talking about Ashley, I cringed. Ashle really grinds my gears! "I have to wake up early. I have to drive into the city." - yes, that's what regular people do. In the words of Oprah, "It doesn't matter what you mama did or what your daddy didn't do. You are in charge of your life." I could see if Ashley's dad was a crack addict that stays in and out of jail and her mom spent all her time at the boat gambling away their money. Your family is on Real Housewives of New Jersey for crying out loud! Get a grip! Wake up early and go to your internship on time! That's all I have to say about that!

Kathy's visit to Caroline's home left me like this 0_o. You see how nosey Kathy is, looking all around Caroline house and whatnot. Kathy, worry about you and your family and quit meddling into the Gorga business. I wish someone would tell me that I abandoned by future children. Caroline, "I don't care." And yes, she was judging you because you stepped into her husband's business and started drama. Leave the drama at home! It's obvious that you are trying to get Caroline's approval because you went over to her house to apologize - grrrr! Okay I'm done talking about them!

I'm mad Joey Gorga is still hype on this no sex thing! He acts like he never used his hands before. I really didn't need to know about your family's sex drive! Reason #5720850872 that husbands should not be in the confessional for the Real HouseWIVES!

Again, Kathy wants Caroline's approval. She said, "I don't want Caroline thinking I'm a trouble maker." But didn't she just say, "I'm a grown woman, I don't need anyone's approval." She's confused.

Kathy's husband, Rich and Joey Gorga need to go somewhere. All this confessional business. This show is about your wives - NOT YOU! Rich, no one cares if Teresa treats your wife "rude" - she brought it on herself!

When Teresa went shopping with Caroline and Jacqueline, "alls" I wanted her to do was SHADDUP! She kept talking! Let them get something out! This also happened when Teresa went to Jacqueline's house to write the letter. We all know that at the end of the day, Teresa is going to do what she pleases - so it's not use in putting your 2cents in! I'm glad Teresa settled on a nice way of getting her point across when writing the letter.

I hope next week has more drama!

Check back next week for the next blog! Who knows, I may even blog about the Real Housewives of Orange County Finale!


  1. Girl....those are exactly my thoughts!!! I was seriously tripping when Joey was demanding sex from Melissa!! I would have told him to go jump off a bridge. With the whole Teresa vs. Joey drama, both need to accept their part in the drama. They are blaming each other and they fail to see that both of them were wrong. Kathy needs to be off the show. Why is she there? Oh I know why, to stir up shit. I love Caroline!!! Jacqueline needs a backbone. That's all!!!

  2. Yes that is true! Teresa and Joey just need to sit down and have a lunch, with no cameras and no Melissa and Joe Giudice. I love Caroline too! She's like Mama Bear. And Jacqueline - she needs to take her own advice. Her opening statement is "I can stand on my own two feet, I am my own person." She needs to kick Ashley out since she wants to live in "The City."
