Thursday, July 7, 2011

Beyonce's "Best Thing I Never Had" Video


How awesome is her body in this lingerie? She's making me not want to eat a piece of Scrooge's birthday cake (Chocolate Doberge from Gambino's) tonight while I'm watching Big Brother After Dark! She's my inspiration!!! Did I already say how much I LOVE HER?!

This is one of my favorite songs off her new album "4" - I know all of the words. The lyrics really speak to me, even though I've never really had a SERIOUS boyfriend. Just a REALLY GOOD friend, for a couple of years, who made me feel all the emotions the lyrics from this song evokes. My favorite: "You don't deserve, my tears. I guess that's why they ain't there."

Was this video (dated May 16, 1998) a real video? If so, her then-boyfriend has some gall dancing with another heaux on-camera. And looking at said heaux's ass! I would have popped him!!! I really do need to work on my temper. I almost threw hot gumbo on the manager at Piccadilly when he wouldn't adjust my price. Thank God, I ended up walking out. And how, perfect that she walked out on him...on camera? 

Who else noticed that Beyonce' was on the WRONG side of altar in the video? Isn't the bride supposed to be on the left side? I wonder why Jay-Z couldn't be her husband in this video. I guess she figured, "hell they all know we married" - but still, it would have been a nice touch to the video. 

I don't like Beyonce's hair in this video. For my wedding, I want a full, wavy hair style, not two cinnamon buns  attached to my head. I do like that she changed into a party-dress. I want that at my wedding too! I also wouldn't have been in the grass with my wedding dress. I won't even let that dress touch the concrete on the ground, while I'm getting of the limo or old-fashioned car while entering the church. Anyone want to volunteer to be a train-holder? No one. Oh. Ok. Watching this video makes me think of my wedding and what my marriage is going to be like. I'm doing all this planning and I don't even have a boyfriend. I gotsta do better!  

Here's the link to the video: 

I hope Beyonce' makes a video for "Countdown" - that's one of my favorite episodes too! 

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