Thursday, July 7, 2011

Big Brother 14 - Episode 1

I wasn't going to blog about this show but I thought, why not?! I don't have anything else to do! Plus, a few people have asked me if I was going to blog. However, this may change when school starts back up in late August, but I will try to blog sparingly since BB14 ends in September! 

I can already tell this is going to be one of the BEST seasons of Big Brother in a long time! 

We meet the 8 houseguests! Shelly is from Prairieville, that's like 5 minutes from Baton Rouge! I hope she makes it far. Once the black people get voted off, then I'll root for the LA native. Sorry, but that's how it goes! Hehe :)

Porcshe, the VIP cocktail waitress, isn't as "hot" as she says. is a cocktail waitress a "lush" lifestyle? Who lied to you boo boo?

Lawon claims he is BEST DRESSER yet, it looks like he is stuck in the 80s! 

The youth minister, Keith is kinda FINE! He can get the business!

I don't think I will like the white, bald biker dude who's name is Adam. 

This girl, Kalia is going to get on my nerves already! How you not like showers and hair? You didn't watch the show previously? 

I'm mad that Dominic still lives with his mama. Wait, I still do. 

Moving on, how does someone from Texas, have this country ass accent?! That's worse than Mississippi and Alabama!

Now, that I'm done judging. We can get back to the game. 

Julie tells the houseguests they must pick a pair. This is kind of like BB9...y'all don't remember that one huh? 

Shelly is partnered with Cassi. Lawon and Kalia. Porsche and Keith. Adam and Dominc. 

Shelly and Cassi seem like they'd work well together. Kalia is right, Lawon won't be the best partner if you want to lay low. I'm mad Keith picked Porcshe, she not even that cute. He won't get very far. Adam and Dominic - whew...I'd be scared! 

Now we wait for the remaining 3 couples to enter the house....

The WORST! Rachel and Brendon are back! o_0 just who I wanted to see. Can you sense my sarcasm? I can't stand Rachel's voice! It's like nails on a chalkboard. I don't know how I am going to last listening to her voice if she makes it far. Brendon proposed to Rachel, he cried. I see he still the same lil bitch he was last season *insert side-eye*

YAY!!! Jeff and Jordan are back! This is kind of odd because Jordan won the season when she was on it. Jordan is still not good at math. They are so cute together. I love Jeff's accent. 

HELL FREAKING YEA!!! I am SOOOO excited that Evel Dick and Daniele are back on this show. Daniele's dark hair makes her look...different. I hope she brought some dye, being that her roots may grow out. So Evel Dick and Daniele are not speaking....I think it's true being that Daniele was about to fall off the chair in the confessional. What do you believe? Sidenote: why Evel Dick ain't use his $500K to buy some new clothes? Those are the SAME clothes he wore on his season! 

It'll be interesting to see how Keith will last with Evel Dick and Adam. Being that Keith is a deacon and Evel Dick made it known that he doesn't believe in God (he got into 10,000 fights with Jameka on his season) and Adam said he doesn't like when people force religion down people's throats. Even though Keith said he was matchmaker, he is bound to bring out his bible sometime!  

Shelly and Cassi dropped first. I understand they didn't want to win the first HOH but damn, that don't mean you gotta drop FIRST! Now you risk people calling you weak. I don't think Adam and Dominic are going to be very good partners, you can tell Dominic is already getting aggravated with Adam. And Rachel has won the first HOH. Now, I have to hear her voice more often. 

The Golden Key guarantees you a spot in Top 10! This a BIG TWIST!!! If you and your partner are nominated and your partner leaves, you automatically get a spot in the Top 10. You can't participate in ANY competitions, but you CAN VOTE in eviction! This is HUGE!!! 

So ready for tonight's BBAD and Sunday's episode!!! 

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