Thursday, July 14, 2011

Teen Mom:


Gary and Amber are moving in together. They break-up and make-up more than a junior high couple. I feel sorry for Leah, because even they mentioned how it's affected her! They need to just take a break...for good! 

I hope Amber keep this house cleaner than her other house. Her house stayed with clothes and junk everywhere! I bet it's a cat somewhere in there. 

Amber and Gary fight too much in front of Leah. At least when my parents fought, they closed the door. Scrooge didn't start cussing in front of me until it was at me, then I started enjoying making him mad - such is life. 

Gary is the best parent that Leah has. Amber needs to change. Gary simply asked for her to stop cursing in front of her child. Is that a complicated request? I mean how hard is that? Gary should have BEEN filed for custody of Leah because Amber is obviously not stable enough to take care of Leah, attempting to commit suicide and all. 

Why is Gary trying to get Amber back? Y'all are NOT good together! Leave it alone!!! 

It's so weird how Leah looks just like Gary. I'm glad that Shawn (Amber's brother) finally said that they are both retarded. I'm glad he brought up anger management because they need to go somewhere! They are not good for each other. Amber keeps saying, "if we didn't have Leah, we wouldn't be together." Well don't be together. Leah needs to two parents that love her, not two parents constantly cursing and yelling.


Why is Maci calling Kyle with her boyfriend with her bill problems? Maci is putting Bentley in time-out. He's laughing. Typical white parent. He needs to be popped on the wrist!  

Maci is moving back home to Chattanooga. Aw man! She's my favorite (which is why her color is purple/my favorite color)! I wish she could get her money right so she can stay in Chattanooga and be happy! Kyle wants to move in with Maci and Bentley. It's a nice gesture, but they did just break up. 

Maci told her mom about Kyle wanting to move in together. Maci's mom is right, Bentley does need stability. However, Kyle seems like more of a father than Ryan. Maci had to put Ryan on child support for him to actually want to see his son. I think the only reason Ryan wanted Bentley for more days was so his child support would/could go down. 

Why does Ryan care if Maci gets married or not? She's not your woman anymore. You can't care anymore. You gave up that right when you were out late at night with your friends and left Maci in that apartment with a crying newborn. 

Maci and Kyle are so cute. Wait, was he in her apartment before she got there? Uh oh, Kyle has a key! I agree with Kyle - Ryan is secretly madly in love with Maci. Oh well, he had his chance...plenty of times!!!


Farrah...Farrah...Farrah! She hasn't changed yet. Personally, I don't think Farrah should have gotten implants. She took out a loan for boobs. She needs to focus on Baby Sophia and graduating from Culinary School and not modeling. 

Farrah got a modeling job. She's modeling hair. I bet she thinks that her boobs booked it. Because boobs have everything to do with hair. Moving on...

This is Farrah's first time traveling? Like ever? I know that I'm blessed to have been able to travel, but Farrah and her family just seem so well off that it's kind of odd for them not to travel. Well maybe they did travel but felt that Farrah's attitude was not the best, so they left her ass. Maybe that was it! 

I'm glad Farrah is missing Sophia. It shows that she has really grown. Because before she would always pawn Sophia on (Farrah's) grandmother to go out on dates and think nothing of it. 

I'm so happy to see Sophia missing Farrah! It's so cute! One question, why is this baby still with a pacifier in her mouth? I think that once a baby starts walking, the pacifier needs to "go missing." 


Catelynn and Tyler are trying to move in together. Is it just me or do they still look like a little kids? "We're going to have to get a job." - No shit, Catelynn! 

Catelynn has too much metal going on in her mouth area. Braces, nose ring, lip ring, tongue ring. That's just too much. 

Tyler's sister mentioned that Catelynn is "all clingy" - I agree. She is kind of clingy. I never see her without Tyler. Tyler needs to change his mind. Y'all haven't even finished high school and want to move in with each other. What kinda sense that make? None. Okay. 

I'm starting to dread Catelynn's scenes. I'm so tempted to fast forward over her scenes. I still don't see how Catelynn and Tyler are going to move somewhere with no job and no education. I mean people move in places all the time with no education. But I mean, they gave their baby up for adoption because they felt that they couldn't raise her properly and almost two years later, they are still not on track. I think Tyler is going to back out. He wanted to call his mom before signing the lease - what does that tell you? 

Catelynn again...Catelynn and Tyler are moving in together. So, did they ever get jobs? How are they paying for the rent? They have money saved up? I really want to know! Is that a baby blanket they're playing with? Looks like the kind they give you in the hospital. 

Next episode: Kyle and Ryan are finally meeting. Tyler's dad is out of jail. Farrah has more problems with social security for Sophia. Child Protection Services calls on behalf of Leah.   

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