Sunday, July 17, 2011

Real Housewives of New Jersey: Twas the FIGHT before Christmas

Joe and Teresa are putting up the Christmas tree with the girls! One question, why doesn't Gabriella look like the rest of the Giudice girls? 

Melissa wants everything perfect for her huge Christmas party that she's throwing this year, for "Jesus' birthday" - really? Jesus was born in a barn. He doesn't really care about your party and the perfectness of decorations and whatnot. 

Waitttttt!!! I didn't know Joe went to jail for a DUI. Do most people go to the jail for a DUI? Don't they just have to pick up trash on the side of the road, pay a fine and be on probation? Or were they just doing the most to prove a point because of who he is? I'm mad Teresa lied to the girls. Hell, they need to know! Don't drink and drive! "A fishing trip???" Really? I hope they don't watch Bravo! 

Melissa...Melissa...Melissa...I have no words. I really don't like her! Like ewww!!! Go away! Melissa and her sisters are just fame-hungry whores who will do anything to stay in the spotlight. Especially her sister Lysa. 

I know all of the families on RHONJ are really close and family-oriented but I'm tired of all the children getting all this spotlight! I want to know about the drama between the HOUSEWIVES and not between Chris, Albie, Lauren, Ashley, etc. 

I'm sick and tired of Ashley's complaining. STFU! Plenty of people come from broken families and are doing fine. Build a bridge and get over it! She steady complaining about how she and Chris (her step-dad) aren't that close, but she driving around in the car that HE PAID FOR! She can't even afford her car note working at an unpaid internship!  

I wonder how late Ashley was to her birthday dinner. I think I took the cake with my tardiness. I was about 2 hours late to my birthday dinner. But that's okay, because I was GOOD AND DRUNK! Plus, everyone stayed - so they must love me! :) 

Melissa is planning her party and keeps on reminding people that it's "Jesus' birthday." Is his name really Fabulous Fred? Moving on.... Holddddddd up! She's having craps tables and blackjack. Did anyone remember when Jesus flipped the tables over because of the gambling. Since this is "Jesus' birthday" shouldn't you not gamble and honor his wishes? I can't take Melissa. She's steady talking about how close she is to God and Jesus but her actions don't reflect her attitude! 

Caroline and Al are still in love. They are so cute together! You can tell she loves her some Al and vice-versa! 

This should be an interesting party!!!

Teresa's mom is right! Imitation is the best form of flattery! 

Why does Melissa look like she's getting married? With that lil tiara on her head... Whatever happened to a pot-luck with family and gossip about the town people? This party is just too much. I hate to see rich people spend money on frivolous things like money with their faces on it (What's the purpose? Y'all just gone throw it away anyway.) and people dressed like carolers. When I become financially comfortable - I'll invest in GUNS and not BUTTER! 

Kathy looked really awkward when Melissa was going through her panty drawer looking for a g-string. I personally like my ass covered. Those cotton drawls from Victoria's Secret (this reminds me - I need to go pay Vicky). This may be TMI - but hell it's MY blog. So I will say what I please, with that said - thongs and g-strings are cool but only if necessary. Why wear it on a daily basis only to feel like you got a stick up your ass? And I don't wear them to church, I feel like a hooker, heathen, whore, and every name in the book. Is it just me or does everyone feel like that? Okay, back to the episode....

I'm ready for the drama! 

Shoutout to the black dude! Kenneth Morris representing for the Children's Hospital! 

Why is Teresa driving, and not Joe? He was probably drunk...People never learn. After a tragedy, people live right for about 3 months then go back to their ways. Am I right?....or am i right?

DRAMAAAAA!!!! :) Kathy is just ugh! Teresa said hey! What you want her to jump up and down because she's happy to see you? Kathy, men don't care about your drama. Well Rich might because he seems like he would. I hate men who get involved in female drama. I'm surprised Melissa didn't say, "It's Christmas. It's Jesus' birthday. You're not going to cry," when she was consoling Kathy. 

Melissa keep saying, "It's not us. It's the Giudice's. We're the nice people." No boo boo, it's YOUR PEOPLE too! I'm pretty sure that Melissa's brother-in-law's isn't missing that $1,000 if he loaned it. My mama always said, "Never loan something you need," because you NEVER know when you are going to need it or get it back.  

Melissa and Joe Gorga so messy. Why would she invite Kim G knowing it's going to cause drama. Melissa asks Kim G to inform Monica that she needs to leave because she doesn't want drama at the party (maybe she does have a nice bone in her body). Kim G tells Melissa, "oh I can't do that." Umm, this is HER HOUSE! If she doesn't want Monica Chacon there, then Monica Chacon has to leave! If I was Melissa, I'd tell Monica AND Kim G to GET THE FUCK UP OUT MY HOUSE!!! 

YAY! Joe is standing up! Monica get up out the house! Kim G needs to leave! And so does Monica. Kim G steady standing up for Monica! Melissa asked her to leave like 10 times - like take a hint and hit the door! I'm actually proud of Joey and Melissa for respecting Teresa's wishes! I'm glad that they are putting this "silly vendetta" aside and be a family! 

Next episode: more drama with the party! Mama Caroline is going to tear into Kim G's ass! I can't wait!!! 

1 comment:

  1. The reason Joe Giudice was not driving (we never see him drive if you notice, it's always Teresa) is because he still doesn't have his license back. It wasn't because he was drunk.
