Thursday, July 28, 2011

Big Brother 14 - 7/28 Eviction

What's with everyone throwing POV competitions this season? Keith threw it and went home. Dominic threw and is going home. FYI - when you are on BB, you should NEVERRRRRRR throw a POV competition, especially if you're nominated. Who does that?? 

Shelly and Jordan are some tattle-tails! I'm going to give them some tails like I make the kids I baby-sit wear if I tattle. They can't hold water for nothing!!! Seriously? 

Brendon is so annoying. He talks to Rachel any kind of way and thinks he's the ruler of the world because Rachel pumps his ego up. Daniele hasn't talked to her father in 3 years...what makes you think she will take any crap from you? You don't matter! *in my Evelyn Lozada voice* "You are a non-motherfucking factor boo boo" 

I love Jeff and Jordan but I don't know.....something seems odd about them. Jeff seems like Jordan's bigger brother or father and not her boyfriend and lover. Jeff confronts Dominic about the backdooring plan. Dominic says he doesn't know where it came from. Dominic also says that it's Daniele's fault. NOPE!!! It's your fault because you started running your mouth to everyone. Your fault, no one elses!

I love Dom, but he doesn't know what to do! He keeps trying to fix the situation but he keeps on digging a bigger hole for himself.  Meanwhile Jeff and Brendon think they are rulers of the world in this BB house because they are the Vets. The Vets think they run the entire house. Someone needs to set them straight...maybe Daniele will since the couples twist is up and everyone can compete in competitions. 

Brendon is a sexist and macho-man. He talks to women in such a condescending way. Cassi, Kalia. Best believe, his dumb ass who studied "rocket science" wouldn't talk to me that way. 

Jordan is just as messy as they come. No one takes her seriously though because of her accent. "Let's get everyone and sit it down and talk about it." Jeff mentions that when Kalia wanted to backdoor Jeff/Jordan that they were friends. Why is everyone worried about being friends? This is a game! Daniele is the ONLY one who is playing the game and not worried about making friends. Dani has the BEST social and physical game and she can't even play. I'm ready for her to start playing!

The live show!!!!

Seems like Adam's "Vote for Me" speech is like heyyyy Dom is going home; I'm just saying this just because Julie asked me to. Dom's speech kind of reminds me of Chima's speech; except Dom knew he was going home. He basically said, "EFF YOU!" to everyone without cursing! 

Here's how the votes went:
Jeff: Dominic
Jordan: Dominic
Kalia: Dominic
Daniele: Adam 
Brendon: Dominic
Shelly: Dominic
Lawon: Dominic 
Porsche: Dominic 

I do not like this crowd that Big Brother has outside the house for the eviction episodes. I liked when it was really a walk of shame (in past seasons). And why are these people cheering? What's there to be happy about? He just lost his chance at $500,000 or $50,000. That's not laughing matter. 

Lawon's goodbye speech was hilarious! I think they chose him just because he's CRAY CRAY!!! Jordan's imitation of Rachel's infamous quote, "No one comes between me and my man," was just as funny! Big Brother did cast some characters this season. I wonder what the house would be like if Evel Dick was still there? 

It's an endurance HOH competition. I'm pretty sure it'll come down to Rachel, Brendon, Jeff and Daniele. Kalia, Shelly, Porsche and Lawon don't have a chance. 

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