Sunday, July 24, 2011

Real Housewives of New Jersey: Christmas Episode

I guess blogging is my future. I'm at the Louisiana Baptist Youth Encampment and just auditioned for a role in the Annual Drama, but didn't get it. If I had gotten the role, I wouldn't have been blogging. I didn't get it, so here I am! 

I have a hunch as to why I didn't get it. While at the drama, the girl who got my role was thanking one of the directors. Her speech went as follows, "I'd like to thank one of the directors, my mother..." - I knew I didn't get it because I knew that she went to church with one of the directors, but I had no idea that they were mother and daughter. Oh well, God knew what he was doing because I got a chance to blog on the same night as the episode AND I got a chance to minister to people through mime. I'll see if I can figure out how to post some pictures and the video of the mime performance. 

 I'm so proud and happy that Joey and Melissa kicked Monica Chacon out of the party. I'm also happy to see Melissa and Teresa dancing together. I know that everything can't be forgotten in an instant, but I'm glad they are putting things away and enjoying the holidays. 

Here Kim G goes stirring up trouble. Her friend, Monica got kicked out of the party - so I guess she's trying to save face and make herself look better. However, Teresa is right...Kim G does look like a duck. 

Mama Caroline is setting Kim G straight! Caroline will set you straight. Kim G needs to be set straight! She's crazy! Chris Manzo (Caroline's son) had to escort Kim G out. In the end, Kim G got kicked out of the party...just like Monica Chacon. I'm starting to think that Melissa shouldn't throw parties because every time - there's just DRAMAAAAA!!! 

Kim G is now stirring up drama with the relationship of the friendship of her son and Caroline's son. Kim G needs to get a hobby, man, dog or all of the above because obviously, she's craving attention. She just wants to be on the camera because of all this drama she's causing. She came to hurt because she thinks Teresa called her "Kim Grannytelly." 

Okay, I know Teresa and Joe have four daughters but I really didn't need to know that you all are going to make passionate love all night. Ew that's just gross. I don't want to imagine anyone having sex, but myself. Plain and simple. 

Here Kathy is cooking. Maybe she's using this as a chance to promote her restaurant or whatever. I'm so done with her and her two-faced husband of hers. "I didn't get a chance to invite her." Uhhh, what about text, email, phone call??? Kathy's mama just as messy as she is...

Teresa invited Melissa and the kids over for Christmas. Baby steps, baby steps. I'm excited to see how that all works out. 

Caroline is backing giving advice to people. She seems like a great person to get advice from. She tells it like it is, but also in a loving way. 

Teresa's house for Christmas Eve. Teresa's parents are here. Everyone is having fun. Let's see if that lasts when Melissa gets there. Now we see Melissa getting her kids ready, and she keeps saying "It's Jesus' birthday" - omg when will she stop?! Antonia (Melissa's daughter) asked how old Jesus was and Melissa dumb ass says "He's 89" - really bitch? Jesus died in like 32 AD. So you could at least say 2,000 years old. And not 89!!!

Caroline's house seems stressful during Christmas. All of these people, would make me overwhelmed. It's too many people. I want a big family, but they just got too many people. I bet Caroline calling Kim G "a fool" is going to come up at the reunion, when Kim G pops up at the reunion, to which she's not a housewife...

OMG! Look at all these people at Caroline's house. It's just too many people. Aw! Caroline and Al are so in love. "I love you boobie" - that's just so cute! I want to be old and in love like them. 

Ashley, I feel you girl. I know my dad loves me, but I don't think he likes me. just a Scrooge. All I can say is BAH HUM BUG! when he makes me mad. But I'm still having a hard time coming to grips with that. I do need to listen (like Ashley), but I'm not as selfish and inconsiderate as Ashley is - I just need to take constructive criticism. 

I'm mad Melissa has a nanny. What do you do all day? I mean really...take care of your children. Oh yeah, I forgot she's in the basement singing in the studio that Joey built you. Now see, Melissa is being messy bringing all those damn cookies. I know Teresa requested a specific type of cookies, but do you need ALL those boxes? Teresa threw Melissa's cookies away...because they were store bought. If I'm going to waste calories on desserts, they better be homemade. I can go get store-bought cookies any day of the year. 

Okay, so why is Melissa dressed like a hooker? I mean, I'm just asking. It's Christmas. Put on a Bill Cosby Christmas sweater and some jeans and some heels and call it a day. 

I'm sorry. My kids are not believing in Santa. For what? I bought those damn gifts. Not some fat guy in a red suit. No Santa, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy. Nope. ALL ME AND MY HUSBAND! If you want your kids to keep their innocence, then don't bring them around Brielle, Brynne, Brayden or Blake because they WILL ruin your kid's Christmases, first tooth, etc. I'm just saying. 

Milania and Antonia are so cute. Even though, Antonia looks JUST like Melissa :/. 

I'm happy they put the past behind them, well at least for one day. 

Can't wait until next episode! 

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